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Generic Plavix -A revolution in drug world!!

Posted On : Dec-08-2011 | seen (407) times | Article Word Count : 494 |

Generic Plavix is really proven to be a fruitful one in treating fatal attack. The generic form also made it cheaper and affordable to everyone. It is also found to be successful in use in case of patients who already suffered from an attack. So with no delay have this revolutionary product of drug world to fight against heart diseases.
Generic Plavix is produced under the brand name of Plavix. Generic Plavix is an anti-platelet drug. It is consumed orally and is used to inhibit blood clots in coronary artery diseases and peripheral vascular disease. As Generic Plavix is an anti-platelet drug thus it reduces the risk of blood clots. As it prevents the blood to clot so the chance of a fatal attack also got reduced.

Normally the platelets are known as the small cells present in blood. So when these platelets detect damage in blood vessel then they produce some chemical substance by which they attract other platelets nearby and thus create a clot. These clots may cause hindrance in the path way of supplying blood to our heart and we may experience a fatal attack which may be turn into life threatening soon. So if we take Generic Plavix early in advance means at the starting phase itself then it may save our life from the attack. As we all know well that prevention is always better than cure and Generic Plavix really works as a preventing one in case we suffer from high cholesterol level and heart diseases.

The drug Clopidogrel got approved by FDA in 1997 and then it was produced under the brand name of plavix.The brand drugs were a little more costly in price. So then to solve the issue and to make Clopidogrel more popular and convenient among all class of society the Generic form has been discovered. It is sold in market at a cheaper rate as no extra expenses were needed for the research and development of the generic one as it was only the copy of original one but retain all the qualities in it as both are comprising of same compositions and only differ in shape, size and colour.

Now these drugs can be purchased online also. Many approved online drug houses are providing this drug with great offers. So you must search it for in a well manner and need to fill your details online. This enables the drug houses to advise you with the correct one also can deliver the drug at your address. So it enables you to get the required drug with no extra effort and headache thus results in saving your time, money and energy as well.

Clopidogrel can be consumed on a daily basis to retain its effectiveness. But sometimes it causes some side effects in some cases such as swelling of face,lips,throat and bleeding from nose etc.So you need to consult your physician if you experience any such effects from these or any other effects which don’t tend to be normal in nature. But as a word of precaution just try to avoid of having the drug if you recently suffered from any active bleeding such as ulcer in stomach or bleeding from any heavy wounds. So it is always being asked to take doctor’s advice before consumption of the drug.

Article Source : Plavix -A revolution in drug world!!_115833.aspx

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Smithson is dedicated writer for Health products. He has vast experience in writing like about products like Generic Plavix , Plavix Online, Generic Clopidogrel, Cheap Plavix, Generic Plavix , Buy Plavix.
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Keywords : Plavix Online, Generic Clopidogrel, Cheap Plavix, Generic Plavix, ,

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