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Four Tips for Coaches, Trainers, and Authors to make the most out of speaking engagements

Posted On : Sep-15-2010 | seen (365) times | Article Word Count : 787 |

Tips for Coaches, Trainers, and Authors to make the most out of their speaking engagements. get yourself on the virtual speakers circuit, presenting to a wider audience (maybe global?) through conference calls (teleseminars) and/or webinars.
Being on the speakers circuit, giving regular talks and presentations about your niche areas or even the occasional one-off talk to a group of local people, there’s no denying that any speaking opportunity can provide you with an excellent source of warm sales enquiries.

Nowadays, you can also get yourself on the virtual speakers circuit, presenting to a wider audience (maybe global?) through conference calls (teleseminars) and/or webinars.

If public speaking isn’t currently in your marketing mix, you certainly should consider it as it’s an excellent lead generator.

There’s definitely an art to making the opportunity successful so when you get a speaking gig, make sure as well as preparing your talk, you prepare your marketing plan too.

There are occasions though, when you know you’ve given a brilliant presentation (you get a standing ovation even) yet at the end, you feel really flat because it hasn’t resulted in any real leads or sales.

Here are a few tips to help you make the most out of every speaking engagement you have.

1) Get a table at the ‘back of the room’

Well OK, it doesn’t have to be at the back of the room, anywhere will do! Dress the table well with your branding. Display business cards, leaflets, postcards, books. Also pop up banner stands are really effective as they help to draw in your crowd.

Getting people to your stand to meet you (maybe to buy a signed copy of your book) will give you the opportunity to have personal conversations where you could up-sell higher-end coaching or training programmes.

Try to devise a way to capture details of people who visit your stand. Maybe a raffle, or prize drawer of some kind.

2) Hand outs

Hand-outs are great provided they really add value to the person. People may keep hand-outs for a long time so they act as a constant reminder of who you are and what you do. So make sure you pay attention to what you will be giving out to your audience as this simple thing could help you in your client conversion rate.

3) What are you going to be selling?

What is your goal? Are you selling your book, a coaching or training programme or your time?

I’m a fan of using the classic sales funnel when it comes to making the most out of public speaking events. Focusing on generating high volume, low ticket price sales, gives you the opportunity of funneling lots of people into your sales pipeline at a low entry price so you can then develop the relationship with them later on to up-sell higher ticket priced products or services.

So having a book, or an e-book, a short e-course (delivered through a series of autoresponders, or a subscription service), is always a good low-priced entry point for people. Anything around the £10-£30 mark goes well at events.

The important thing is to have something to sell!

4) Have a FREEBIE offer!

During your presentation, on your hand-outs, when speaking to people, encourage people to visit one (or more!) of your stand alone lead capture pages to obtain something that is highly relevant to your talk, and of considerable value, information-wise.

This is a subtle technique that should be used in conjunction with your hand-out notes. Don’t make the mistake I see some presenters make by giving away too much valuable information for free in their hand-out notes. By all means, give out great quality hand-out notes but ensure there are lots of prompts to direct people to a stand alone, lead capture web page to get a golden nugget of some sort. You immediately start to build a list of high quality sales leads. They get your free, valuable freebie and you get their contact details.

I call this a no leak strategy! You may or may not have captured people’s details at the event. You may or may not have sold anything to them, but this way you are making sure you are offering as many ways as possible to draw prospects into your pipeline.

I would also recommend that you make your thank you page, go through to a sales page, for one of your low ticket priced products or services. And of course, do all this with autoresponders so everything is fully automated.

Again, this subtle technique will help you to generate more sales. People at the event may or may not have had the opportunity to buy from your stand, but this no leakage tip, will help you to mop up those straggling sales that are out there!

Article Source : Tips for Coaches, Trainers, and Authors to make the most out of speaking engagements_33189.aspx

Author Resource :
Make the best use of online resources available to promote your business and services. There are very effective resources available online. You can promote your business by having a Squeeze page or Stand alone page and a brochure website, by identifying and targeting your niche market, by using Press releases to increase your sales lead enquiries, and so on.

Keywords : Lead, Speaker, Niche,

Category : Internet Business : Internet Marketing

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