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Foot Orthotics For Curing Foot Problems

Posted On : Apr-26-2011 | seen (519) times | Article Word Count : 510 |

If you suffer from any foot problem, it is best to go for foot orthotics. This is because it can eliminate over-pronation and other serious foot problems. You can either go for custom made orthotics manufactured after 3D foot scanning or pre-made ones.
One of the most common foot problems that majority of individuals suffer from is over-pronation. You must be wondering what it is. It is basically a foot problem where, firstly, the arches of your foot are lowered and secondly, the feet and ankles roll excessively inwards especially during walking or running. Podiatrists claim that almost 70% of people suffer from this problem. In some cases, over-pronation is mild while in others, it is quite severe. However, the unfortunate thing is that most individuals are clueless about it and therefore do not go for any treatment.
What are the treatment options available for such foot problems? In this case, the most convenient method of cure is foot orthotics. This brings us to the question: what are they? Orthotic insoles are nothing but a piece of equipment that is placed inside the shoes of a patient in order to correct erroneous foot function like over-pronation. You should not confuse over-pronation with flat feet as the latter is a different problem altogether. If a person is flat footed, it means he does not have any arch under his foot. However, that is not the case with over-pronators. They do boast of an arch but it gets significantly lowered during running or walking thereby twisting the ankles inwards.
How can orthotics help in this regard? The main job of Foot Orthotics is to reduce the amount of arch flattening and ankle role. This, in turn, plays an effective role in reducing the amount of rotation taking place internally in the ankles, knees and legs. The ankle bones and feet are re-aligned to their original position thereby re-establishing normal foot function.
Why is it important to go for this equipment? There are a number of reasons for that. Firstly, foot problems can give rise to other health hazards. Do you suffer from back pain from time to time? You would be surprised to know that this can be caused by over-pronation or other such foot problems. Correct posture is very important in order to avoid spine-related hazards. If your posture is not right while you are walking or indulging in any other activity, it can put strain on your spine. Naturally, you would then suffer from back pain.
Orthotics can be of different types such as pre-made orthotics that are available off the shelf and custom made ones that are manufactured after the 3d Foot Scanning process. In the case of the latter, it can only be prescribed by podiatrists. This implies you would not get them on any regular shop that sells these things. If a comparison is made between the two, it would be evident that orthotics that are pre-made are softer than their custom-made counterparts.
These equipments can treat a number of foot problems ranging from heel pain, bunion pain, heel spurs to Plantar Fasciitis, Achilles Tendonitis, Morton’s Neuron and Ball of Foot Pain. Since your feet bears the whole pressure of your body, you should take proper care of it. Going for orthotics is therefore the best option.

Article Source : Orthotics For Curing Foot Problems _60488.aspx

Author Resource :

Jhon Mackbeth researching on the procedures for surgeries on lower Foot Problems. His research work is already being published on various medical journals.Visit :

Keywords : 3d foot scanning, foot orthotics ,

Category : Health and Fitness : Health and Fitness

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