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Dr.AB Road

Food for your hair

Posted On : Apr-06-2011 | seen (370) times | Article Word Count : 504 |

A leading reason for dilemma for men and also females is hair loss. If not taken care of at the proper time it might lead to complete baldness
A leading reason for dilemma for men and also females is hair loss. If not taken care of at the proper time it might lead to complete baldness. It is perfectly normal to lose about a 100 strands of hair everyday as they are replaced by new ones, however, when these aren't replaced, then the problem of baldness occurs. Though hair loss is major source of concern for many, for some it may be untimely graying or hair shaft damage while for several others it may be abrasive hair or split ends. All that is essential from your end is proper care and all these problems can be looked after. Several of the common ways by which you can have a strong and healthier hair are: Eating habits, meditation (to relieve stress), clipping, cleaning, massage therapy and shampooing.

Of all the above mentioned remedies diet is the most effective as a balanced and good diet not only helps your hair but also your body in general. It is also the one of the simplest and least expensive way to prevent hair loss (the easiest being of course combing)

A wholesome diet, rich in silica, calcium and iron, will help reduce and sometimes prevent hair loss. Green, leafy vegetables, particularly sea vegetables, are great nutrient resources. Natural oats provide silica. Dried fruits and cherry juice are rich sources of iron. For females, thinning hair or hair loss might be a sign of a problem in the intestinal tract. It could be a sign of deficiency of stomach acids; it could possibly also mean a deficiency of protein, zinc along with other nutrients.

For guys, hair loss process will be slowed down by taking a low-fat diet program. Several professionals propose that the male pattern baldness is linked with increased testosterone levels during adolescence. A high-fat, meat-based diet boosts testosterone levels, and that may adversely affect hair follicles. Eating low-fat foods may not prevent hair loss; but it will help slow down the hair loss.

• Anemia is one of the most usual causes of hair loss. Eat plenty of iron-rich foods, like liver (Avoid when you are pregnant) and other organ meat, whole grain cereals, dark green leafy vegetables, eggs, dates, and raisins.
• Silica is located in the outer coverings of potatoes, green and red peppers and cucumbers. Bean sprouts may also be high in silica. Feed on whole foods like sprouts.
• Vitamin C enhances the assimilation of iron. Include a good helping of fruits and vegetables in what you eat.
• Vitamin E is critical for healthy hair growth. Eat avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil on a regular basis.
If hair loss is due to thyroid gland dysfunction, eat more foods abundant in vitamin A and iodine. Eat vegetables such as carrots or spinach in unrefined, cold-pressed seed oils like flax, walnut or pumpkin seed and sea salt. Take turnips, cabbage, mustard, soy beans, peanuts, pine nuts and millet when there is a scarcity of iodine.

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