Five Tips For Getting The Most From Your Essential Outdoor Gear
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Every outdoor enthusiast wants to get the most out of his or her time in the out of doors. A good way to ensure maximum enjoyment of your time in the backcountry is by choosing the right gear.
Every outdoor enthusiast wants to get the most out of his or her time in the out of doors. A good way to ensure maximum enjoyment of your time in the backcountry is by choosing the right gear. The following are my 5 tips for getting the most out of your backcountry gear, and maximizing your experience...
You'll want to always purchase the best quality gear you can afford. It doesn't make sense to spend months planning the ultimate outdoor adventure, and buy hotel reservations and plan tickets, only to go cheap with your backpack. In the backcountry, a good backpack can make all the difference in the world. This same rule applies to all of your outdoor gear. Always shop for the best value when buying gear, whether it's a GPS unit, tent, portable stove or your rain gear. This is one area where you don't want to buy cheap!
Always try to use your gear as much as posssible. After all, your outdoor gear isn't just for the backcountry. Some of this gear has many uses in everyday life. Never go on a road trip without your pack. Your rain gear and binoculars could come in handy at a baseball game. Don't get stuck somewhere wishing you had your gear with you.
You want to take great care of your gear. This is a lesson you probably learned from your parents, if not from experience. Good gear is expensive, so make it a priority to take really good care of it. Conversely, your gear will let you down if you don’t take good care of it. That’s a bad situation to be in. So don't leave on your next adventure without first inspecting all your gear. As a final note, you might want to get out your gear right now and check all your straps, batteries, weatherproofing, and overall condition. Don't wait until you're out in the backcountry to find out the answers to these questions.
When your gear has worn out its usefulness, consider donating it to a local scout troop in your area. These groups are always looking for a helping hand from outdoor enthusiasts. Imagine how good you'll feel knowing your old gear will benefit others in your community.
Finally, on returning from a camping trip, make sure you check all your gear completely before putting it away. You need your outdoor tenting gear to last so get into the habit of sustaining it. There are few things worse for a tent than an accumulation of damp and mold over a long off season in storage. Always make a point of letting your tent dry out completely before stowing it away for the season.
Article Source :
http://www.articleseen.com/Article_Five Tips For Getting The Most From Your Essential Outdoor Gear_83014.aspx
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Interested in a great little digital camera to take on your next backcountry adventure? Read this review of the GoPro HD 960 camera and learn why this rugged little camera is a must-have for your next outdoor adventure.
Keywords :
outdoor gear, backcountry gear, outdoor equipment,
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Recreation and Sports