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Fish Oil Contains Healthy Fats for Optimal Health

Posted On : Dec-14-2011 | seen (133) times | Article Word Count : 471 |

As confusing as it may sound, there is such a thing as healthy fats. When most people think of foods that they should not eat, many of them immediately think of fatty foods.
As confusing as it may sound, there is such a thing as healthy fats. When most people think of foods that they should not eat, many of them immediately think of fatty foods. But there are good fats and bad fats. Some of the best are the omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fish oil. A diet rich in coldwater seafood will enjoy these benefits the most, but fish oil can be a great supplement to your diet to help you enjoy the major benefits that the body enjoys from the healthy fats in seafood.

You might be skeptical, but omega-3 fatty acids are truly some of the most beneficial nutrients that we can put into our bodies. The chances of heart disease and stroke are reduced greatly, and the undesirable symptoms of conditions like hypertension, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, depression, joint pain, and even some skin ailments are all kept under control. It can strengthen your immune system and even potentially ward off Alzheimer's Disease. With these healthy fats, your body will be healthier and happier.

There are great benefits to obtaining these healthy fats through fish oil. If you live in a part of the country where fresh seafood is not as prevalent, you may be better off taking the supplement. In addition, if you do not care to eat seafood, this is another instance where you can get those nutrients without having to eat the fish. Taking a fish oil supplement is also very convenient. When you need to go somewhere and you do not have the time to prepare a nice meal of fish, you can eat something else and take a fish oil supplement. While, like any supplements, fish oil is not meant to replace fish altogether (you will get more nutrients from eating a real fish), it can be a great supplement and help you keep yourself fueled without having to eat fish all the time.

There are great benefits to obtaining these healthy fats through fish oil. If you live in a part of the country where fresh seafood is not as prevalent, you may be better off taking the supplement. In addition, if you do not care to eat seafood, this is another instance where you can get those nutrients without having to eat the fish. Taking a fish oil supplement is also very convenient. When you need to go somewhere and you do not have the time to prepare a nice meal of fish, you can eat something else and take a fish oil supplement. While, like any supplements, fish oil is not meant to replace fish altogether (you will get more nutrients from eating a real fish), it can be a great supplement and help you keep yourself fueled without having to eat fish all the time.

Article Source : Oil Contains Healthy Fats for Optimal Health_118599.aspx

Author Resource :
For more information about healthy fats please visit

Keywords : Fish Oil, Flax Oil, Omega-3, Omega-3 Supplements,

Category : Health and Fitness : Health and Fitness

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