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Facts about Search Engine Strategies

Posted On : Mar-23-2011 | seen (286) times | Article Word Count : 475 |

If you own a business, it is unlikely that you do not maintain a website where all information about your products and/or services is present. Since you have landed on this article, I would like to assume, you want to know about Search Engine Optimization or SEO which is also called by as Web marketing, Internet marketing or online marketing.
In the age of broadband Internet, World Wide Web acts as the most sought after media for netizens. If you know whom do you want to reach, internet provides ample opportunities and web marketing technologies to expand your business globally.
SEO became a standard over time, when website owners realized the importance of getting listed high on a search engine’s result page in order to attract visitors to their WebPages. It was observed that when a visitor searches on Google, Yahoo! Or any other search engine for something a company offers, even if its website contains appropriate content and attractive design if the website doesn’t show up on the first page of results,that would reduce the number of visitors to that website. It was then webmasters started to learn how to make their websites search engine friendly to be featured on the first ten results for a visitor to draw highest traffic or number of visits.
Some attributes to make a search engine friendly website:
1. Make sure that your website is found on a Google by submitting it to free directories and at other places so that search engine spiders/crawlers (which are automated code to index your page) can find your WebPages.
2. Make your website text based content rich because Google like text more than any type of attractive design. Also you should bear in mind that websites are created for humans and not for Google. By keeping this principle you should never forget that even though it is assumed that on the web ‘content is king’, for the businesses it is always ‘customer is king’. Hence, practice Internet marketing principles to gain high revenue through the use of search engine optimization technology and not just to gain a higher position. Because that will get you the traffic you intended but will fail to generate any business.
3. Use descriptive html design elements such as title tags, meta descriptions and keep the navigational structure of the website uncluttered. This will help Google spiders to crawl all the pages beyond home page to get your website indexed properly for different search phrases or keywords from the visitors.
By practicing above mentioned key points, Search engine optimization can increase traffic to your website by optimizing it for natural or organic search results. But since it is not paid, the results are not guaranteed and can change as algorithms change. And as there is a great amount of competition between businesses for same keywords and anybody using better SEO techniques can replace your position. Hence other internet marketing techniques such as paid advertising, link building social media optimization, affiliate marketing, blogs, content farms, forums, viral videos can help you gain the edge over your competition. All you need to do is keep an eye on web trends and persevere to make your online marketing campaign a success!

Article Source : about Search Engine Strategies_56871.aspx

Author Resource :
Soppnox is one of the leading Search Engine Optimization services company located in India, Bangalore. Our SEO Company provides very effective SEO services, internet marketing, website promotion, online marketing services that help you to achieve top ranks in all the major search engines.

Keywords : Search engine optimization, online marketing, internet marketing, web marketing,

Category : Internet Business : SEO

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