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Exploitation of the Children by the Terrorist

Posted On : Jan-02-2012 | seen (239) times | Article Word Count : 510 |

Terrorism isn’t a new phenomenon. It’s as old as the recorded history. Since time immemorial, human beings are inclined towards shoeing their power to others. It’s a common human trait that everyone wants to suppress the other.
Terrorism isn’t a new phenomenon. It’s as old as the recorded history. Since time immemorial, human beings are inclined towards shoeing their power to others. It’s a common human trait that everyone wants to suppress the other. Terrorism can be caused by a number of things- racial discrimination, geographical isolation, cast bar, economic inequality and religious matters. It sometime appears ridiculous to me why we are fighting for such small issues when no one can take a small piece of cloth after death.

We general people often become the target of these terrorist activities even unknowingly. When a particular group accomplishes those activities, they try to judge their point by many ways. The terrorist groups employ the general people to realize their goals of creating panic situation worldwide. These groups target places where mass people gather for various purposes. The strategy of terrorists is to commit acts of violence that draws the attention of the local populace, the government, and the world to their cause. As it’s very easy to manipulate people who are either uneducated or fall under minor age group, so they become the prime source for these terrorists to accomplish their activities. Most terrorist groups train children how to accomplish terrorist activities.

Child trafficking is increasing these days because there is a great demand for young children in the terrorist prone countries. When parents fail to bring up their children because of chronic poverty, they sell their children to the traffickers. These children, after that, are being sold to terrorist groups, who train them in different field such as how to use arms and ammunitions. Children are also used as human bombs, as no one would suspect a child being a terrorist. The terrorist organizations which convince the children and teenagers that they will enjoy a life of happiness after death, are actually uprooting these children from their homes and families, and by religious or nationalist incitement are encouraging them to perpetrate terrorist attacks. The only way to fight against terrorism is to have education and being enlightened.

When people come to know about their responsibilities and how the world works, the power of these evil forces will automatically diminish. Moreover, children also need to be taught about how to behave with unknown people and how to manage disastrous situations. Teens also become easy victims when they encounter negative environment in home. So parents need to be careful to maintain a healthy environment because this is a healing agent to help children come out of their frustration. Moreover, terrorist activities often make children psychologically weak. When they encounter blood sheds and panic situations, there remains a great chance of children losing their mental balance. In such situations, they should be taken to psychologists. Parents might help children to process these feelings of sadness as well. Parents should also seek professional help for themselves if they are grieving. Kids can often do a wonderful job of helping others and being kind, and kids also may feel better knowing that they are helping in some way.

Article Source : of the Children by the Terrorist_127338.aspx

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