Experience the rich aroma of Cuban Cigars
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Cuban cigars are known for their unique aroma and distinctive taste. People are fond of these cigars because of the glamour and prestige associated with them.
Though cigars are now manufactured in every country but they don’t have the same allure as the Cuban cigars. The cigar aficionados are very particular about what brand of cigar they smoke. You can see many celebrities enjoying their pipe. But it is not just any other type of brand they smoke. They always go for the Cuban cigar as it is known for its exclusivity.
Manufacturing these cigars consist of multiple sets of production processes to ensure that cigars have the right taste and unique aroma for which they are famous. In the popular imagination, the cigars represent class, glamour and style.
For those who are fond of Cuban cigars, it is the chic factor which allures them besides the unique aroma and distinctive taste. All the varieties of these cigars are exclusively manufactured in Cuba. It is a Latin American country situated to the South of USA. Besides the cigars Cuba is known for Fidel Castro and communism. Cuban cigar is the most popular product and brand the country is known for which is popular across the globe. The aficionado must know a few things about how the exclusivity of a Cuban cigar is maintained. First of all, only the premium products like tobacco, wrappers and fillers are used in the production to maintain the quality and exclusivity of these cigars.
The new enthusiasts who cannot resist the allure of Cuban cigars should start with the Bolivar cigars. These are relatively new in comparison with other brands hitting the market in 1901. The name of these cigars is also significant since it is named after a great freedom fighter, Simon Bolivar, who liberated countries like Bolivar, Venezuela, Columbia, Peru, etc. A powerful cigar deserves a powerful name. The beginners should think before they try one as Bolivar cigars have powerful and strong aroma unlike the lighter flavors of other brands.
The Bolivar cigars are rated 8 and above by most of the magazines and different rating agencies. These cigars are manufactured in two ways as is the case with most of the Cuban cigars because of the restrictions of the government. You have these Bolivar cigars made in Dominican Republic using Dominican and Nicaraguan tobacco and then the one made inside Cuba by the state-owned company, Habanos S. Around twenty varieties of these cigars are available throughout the world which are available around the globe through a network of select distributors and retailers.
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http://www.articleseen.com/Article_Experience the rich aroma of Cuban Cigars_65912.aspx
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ihavanas.com offering Cuban Cigars discount cuban cigars and find all major brands more with us. Buy Bolivar Cigars Online at discount prices.
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Cuban cigars, Cuban Cigar, Bolivar Cigars, Buy Cuban Cigars Online,
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