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Everything You Wanted To Know About VASER Liposuction

Posted On : Mar-11-2011 | seen (8574) times | Article Word Count : 595 |

This article will help you to know what VASER lipo is all about, what are the expenses involved, which are the most preferred areas for performing VASER Lipo and many more things you always wanted to ask. The common questions about VASER lipo have been discussed here.
Are you tired of your flabby looks? Do you want to go for VASER liposuction? Are you worried about the process? These are some of the questions that may make you upset. As a result, you hesitate whether to take the chance or not. All these concerns are surely going to prevent you from getting that perfect fat-free figure you had always dreamt of. We will answer all your questions about VASER lipo and help you take the plunge and see yourself in a new look.

This article has summed up some of the common questions about VASER lipo that will surely cover all you just need to know and take the right decision and go for it. Here are some of the most common facts that you must know about VASER liposuction

What is VASER liposuction?

VASER is a kind of liposuction that uses ultrasonic technology or high-energy sound waves to soften the fat. The process involves the process of converting your fat from solid to liquid and then sucking it gently with ease. The biggest advantage of using VASER is that it does not dislocate the blood vessels or nerves or connective tissues, but only the fat cells. This makes the process less hurtful than other forms of liposuction.

Expenses involved in the process

The cost of the entire process may vary but you have to be extremely careful to prevent yourself from being the scapegoat. It is highly recommended that you should do a thorough research on VASER lipo and then go for it. But, a little help from experts can help you go smoothly in the process. If you are planning a VASER liposuction on inner thighs, abdominals and flanks, you can expect a cost of around $10,000 - $14,000.

Result time required

In most of the cases, you can see an instant result. VASER leads to lesser bruises and swelling than other options. The bruises and swelling generally take 1 to 3 months to disappear.

Some people are really concerned about their swelling which if becomes abnormal, consulting a surgeon will be the right idea. But, don’t worry about the swellings as most of them tend to disappear in 4 months. Go for compression garments as per your surgeon’s advise which will help to sped up the process of healing.

About common side effects

Some of the most common side effects associated with this kind of liposuction are minute bruising and fade swelling. But the benefits are way ahead the side effects. It not only removes excess fat from your body but also tightens your skin.

Tighter skin afterwards

According to a medical study conducted in 2010, VASER liposuction performed on one leg in 20 women and traditional lipo being performed on the other leg have shown some 53% improvement on the leg that was done VASER lipo. The other leg with traditional liposuction did not show such great results.

Weight gain afterwards

People who follow a healthy lifestyle after going through VASER generally don’t put on weight. If you stick to basic exercise program, well balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle, you are not going to put on weight.

Areas of the body where VASER lipo works best

VASER can be used all over the body but results are best seen in areas like: male breasts, love handles or flanks and the third part include any area that has been treated with liposuction earlier.

Article Source : You Wanted To Know About VASER Liposuction_55563.aspx

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Keywords : VASER, VASER liposuction, VASER lipo,

Category : Health and Fitness : Weight Loss

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