Entering the Parlor Massage
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In some places a Parlor massage is another name for brothel or places where prostitution takes place. So they use the term Parlor massage to allow the act of prostitution in that particular establishment.
In some places a Parlor massage is another name for brothel or places where prostitution takes place. So they use the term Parlor massage to allow the act of prostitution in that particular establishment. In many states in the US to be a masseuse you have to be certified. This is not true in all states. In many countries prostitution is legal but some forms of prostitution are illegal. So before you enter an establishment like a Parlor massage, make sure it is the type of massage you are indeed looking to get.
That being said, there are a lot of massage parlors often referred to as spas or day spas that are in the business of giving legitimate massages. In some cases the masseuse may be male or it may be a bevy of lovely women dressed in bikinis. Some people may not like to get a massage from someone of the same sex just as some people prefer someone of the opposite set to give them a massage.
Basically a massage parlor or day spa will give a massage that kneads the top areas of the muscles and connective tissues of the body. It promotes relaxation and general well being for a period of time. This kneading is done using slight pressure up to a level of firm pressure. As you begin the massage the masseuse will generally ask you have hard you want them to knead.
A massage may take place when you are sitting in a massage chair which is a chair designed to be used for a massage. It may take place with lying on a table in some form of undress. Or it may take place on a mat on the floor.
Generally a masseuse massages or kneads with their hands and fingers. Sometimes they use their elbows or forearms like when they are massaging a part of the back. Sometime you may get a massage where the masseuse uses their feet or knees and this would generally be a massage that is on a mat on the floor.
They will massage the muscles of the body and also the tendons, ligaments and joints. They will often work their way down from the top of the body to the feet, working from the back of the body to the front. This is the way your entire body gets relaxed. The masseuse will keep a rhythm going and generally will not break that rhythm. They will also try to keep a steady pressure. If they find some muscles that seem stiff or knotted to their hands they will ask if they can apply more pressure to break up the knots. This may hurt as they knead deeply into those muscles and ligaments but after a period of time the muscles will relax and break down.
A massage is meant to be a soothing experience. There are all types of massages like a Swedish massage or a deep body massage. You should feel relaxed at the end.
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http://www.articleseen.com/Article_Entering the Parlor Massage_29459.aspx
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At TouchbyVenus you can search masseuses for professional massage, Sensual Massage, Tantra massage and Erotic Massage.
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Sensual Massage, Erotic Massage, Parlor massage, female massage, nude massage,
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