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Email Marketing Benefits In South Africa

Posted On : Jan-16-2012 | seen (144) times | Article Word Count : 631 |

With almost all people now using email as a new means of communication in this modern world.
With almost all people now using email as a new means of communication in this modern world, business companies came up with a new marketing strategy known as email marketing to serve as an easy, quick and convenient marketing tool that can reach out to a large audience. Businesses can now promote their products and services using emails; Email marketing has indeed enabled a company to generate great deals of sales from new and existing customers.

Email marketing benefits can be summed up into the following:

o Can build a strong and trusting relationship between a business company and its customers

o Has increased potential return of investment; 17% revenue compared to regular mail and 73% more cost-efficient than telemarketing.

o Email marketing is highly customizable to match the customers’ needs

o Enables a company to generate new customers and buyers

o Email marketing delivers your marketing message directly to the customers; compared to an SEO marketing technique wherein it’s the customers who have to come to the website’s message.

o Email marketing low-cost and therefore cost-efficient

o Email marketing can get your message across your customers quickly, automatically and instantly.

Here are some email marketing tips that you might want to consider:

To maximize email marketing benefits, take your target market into consideration; specifically on whether they use the Internet on a regular basis, specifically email messaging.

Another thing to consider is the market extent of your business; whether it aims to reach local or global customers; as well as the cost of sending email messages versus the revenue that can be generated from this anticipated quantity of customers. In other words, make sure that your email marketing campaign would be cost-efficient in the long run.

The cost of establishing an email marketing campaign depends on several factors. First is, whether you decide to design it yourself or hire an email marketing company to do it for you; second is whether you buy additional functional software such as; and third is whether you want to hire a copywriter to create your email content.

On top of that, you may also need to buy leads from a mailing list brokers to come up with a list of subscribers.

Here are other email marketing tips you may want to consider:

If you want to make the most of your email marketing benefits, you have to follow these steps: first, collect email addresses of potential customers and buyers. You can do this by installing an email signup form on your website or purchase leads from an email list broker. Obtaining email addresses via signup forms is more affordable, though it may take a longer time to be accomplished.

Next, you have to come up with your email marketing message content. Make sure it has the required impact and convincing powers; and that it is highly personalized as much as possible to turn email list subscribers into loyal customers. You might also want to consider installing software such as an auto-responder that can send retain messages to your subscribers when they reply to your emails.

Third, you must avoid your messages from being marked as spam by your subscribers. As such, you need to include an "unsubscribe" button in your email. It would also be best to obtain the permission of your subscribers first before sending them email messages so as not to be considered unsolicited.

And most importantly, you have to monitor the progress of your email marketing campaign by keeping track of your results in the form of revenue conversion percentages.

Article Source : Marketing Benefits In South Africa_134556.aspx

Author Resource :
Asif Amod heads the AlmostFreeGroup, an IT company that specializes in software, email marketing, online sales, and everything on Google. We at Afmailer offer newsletter templates and bulk email software South Africa. For more details about web based email marketing service South Africa please visit us.

Keywords : bulk email software south africa, newsletter templates, email newsletter template, email marketing software south africa, web bas,

Category : Business : Business

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