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Effective Home Remedies for Candida Infections

Posted On : Jul-01-2011 | seen (883) times | Article Word Count : 506 |

Candida infections typically occurs in the mouth, esophagus, and in the vagina. It can spread to other parts of the body, including brain, eyes, lungs, heart, skin, and joints.
Candida is a yeast-like fungus that can be found in the body tissues of most individuals. If your immunity system is not working well, it can cause a type of infection known as candidiasis. Maintaining a strong immune system is the best way to keep the Candida under control. Candidiasis typically occurs in the mouth, esophagus, and in the vagina. Mouth candidiasis is generally known as thrush and is characterized by creamy white lesions in the mouth and on the tongue. Patients with esophageal candidiasis may experience pain with swallowing, sore throat, nausea, and loss of appetite. The symptoms of vaginal candidiasis include a thick white colored discharge, burning sensation, and itching. Candidiasis can spread to other parts of the body, including brain, eyes, lungs, heart, skin, and joints.

There are several home remedies for Candida, which can help you manage or prevent the Candida infections. Eating yogurt that contains active lactobacillus cultures is an effective natural remedy to cure Candidiasis. Another way to deal with this infection is to consume raw garlic or garlic supplements. Garlic possesses powerful antibacterial and antifungal properties and it is believed that this natural antibiotic can cure the infection within two days. However, garlic can interfere with certain kinds of medications and so if you are on any medication; consult your doctor prior to doctor prior to taking garlic for medicinal purposes.

Ginger, a great natural antibacterial and antibacterial agent, is one of the effective home remedies for Candida. Drinking ginger tea can help combat yeast infection. If you have vaginal yeast infection, make a mixture of one part of tea tree oil and twenty parts of clean water, soak a tampon in it, and wear the tampon overnight. Echinacea juice is also best natural remedy for vaginal yeast infection. Tea tree oil mixed with water can be used to gargle to cure thrush. Those with Candida onychomycosis or yeast infection of the nail are advised to apply tea tree oil to the affected nails. Add one part of tea tree oil to five parts of water and immerse your nail in this solution for a while. Do not forget to do it everyday to reduce the infection..

If you are at a high risk for Candida infections or frequently suffer from these infections, it is better to follow certain lifestyle modifications in order to decrease the rate and severity of the infections. First of all, reduce the intake of sugar and evade foods that have yeast and mold. You should avoid dried fruits, starchy vegetables, fermented foods, honey, mushroom, foods that contain gluten, chocolate, vinegar, and alcohol. Also, limit the intake of fresh fruits. Make sure that the affected areas are always dry. Avoid wearing tight-fitting clothes and try to get enough sleep. Colon cleansing can also help you get rid of Candidiasis. Try to include more green leafy vegetables in your food. When cooking, use herbs such as thyme, rosemary, lemon balm, and marjoram to create an anti-yeast atmosphere in your body.

Article Source : Home Remedies for Candida Infections_64993.aspx

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Keywords : home remedies for candida infections, candida infections remedies, natural remedies for candida infections, candida infection,

Category : Health and Fitness : Alternative Medicine

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