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Eczema may not be cured but managing outbreaks could be easier than you think!

Posted On : Oct-08-2011 | seen (619) times | Article Word Count : 739 |

Eczema is becoming more common as research is suggesting there could be as many as nearly 6 million people suffering in the UK, and many are suffering in silence, as this common condition is embarrassing for many of its sufferers and drains their self-confidence.
Eczema is becoming more common as research is suggesting there could be as many as nearly 6 million people suffering in the UK, and many are suffering in silence, as this common condition is embarrassing for many of its sufferers and drains their self-confidence. The most common symptoms are dry, irritated, red skin which can easily become sore and infected, and usually appears on wrists, knees, elbows and on the neck making it very uncomfortable and is usually Atopic eczema. Atopic eczema is now thought to have a genetic link as it is found to re-occur in families, of which children are the most common sufferers, with their symptoms improving as they get older and for the majority clearing up by the age of 16. Whereas for adult sufferers Seborrhoeic eczema is problematic and is likely to be caused by a yeast imbalance called pityrosporum ovale that becomes overgrown. The symptoms of Seborrhoeic eczema are slightly different and produce a more drier, flakier and crusty look to the skin of the scalp, armpits and most distressingly to the face. Another type of eczema is known as Contact Dermatitis, as Dermatitis is another name for eczema this condition usually is associated with an allergy or irritant being involved. Typically irritants such as soaps, washing powders, and many toiletries can be to blame.

There are many things that can be of help to sufferers and can be included in the daily routine with little thought, such as daily sun exposure to ensure the body gets some vitamin D, or taken as a supplement as vitamin D acting as an antioxidant can help prevent skin damage. Diet can be a factor and growing research suggests the benefits of omega-3 fish oils can help reduce inflammation and thereby reduce the skin irritation experienced by sufferers. Ideally two portions of oily fish per week should be consumed or a high quality supplement such as MorEPA by Minami can be taken. Other supplements such as evening primrose oil and starflower oil (borage oil) can be taken to improve the condition of the skin as they are high in gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) and alongside MorEPA can be purchased from Emollient creams are very popular and readily available and using regularly will increase the moisture in the skin and bring some relief, popular brands include E45, Oilatum, Salcura and Cetraben.

The environment could be a factor to some cases of eczema and some theorists now suggest that the extensive hygiene routines of daily life, which include the popular use of detergents for washing up, laundry and soaps, add to the misery as they can contain Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (SLS.) So if irritation occurs it is advisable to check labels carefully and see if this is the culprit, if so, switch to another range and monitor, this is especially prudent in the case of childhood eczema. Washing up liquid is a common irritation for the hands and changing habits to put on household gloves could make a big difference when washing up, as it will lessen the chances of irritation. Medical evidence also suggests that dust mites and animal hair can also be triggers for atopic eczema, so to help reduce the incidences wipe surfaces with a damp cloth regularly, and keep bedrooms in particular cool and ventilated. Stress can also be a trigger so establish a plan for alleviating stress, and incorporate positive practices such as yoga or meditation as a form of relaxation, or simply just go for a walk, a small amount of exercise is good for a healthy mind and body.

As eczema cases are growing the condition is now being addressed through better awareness, education and ultimately through more accurate diagnosis the outlook is more positive for this embarrassing condition. Sufferers regularly cover up their arms and legs when a flare up occurs and desperately try not to get into the itch and scratch cycle as this will bring temporary relief but damages the skin. Moisture is essential and ensuring emollient creams are regularly applied especially after a bath or shower can bring relief and keep the eczema from becoming more serious due to the risk of infection. All experiences of eczema can vary so it is important to recognise which are the triggers and put into practice strategies to avoid them and to implement the remedies to help.

Article Source : may not be cured but managing outbreaks could be easier than you think!_89649.aspx

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If you are struggling with Eczema or Contact Dermatitis and looking for medicines to recover or improve skin condition then take a Eczema treatment and buy medicine from UK's online pharmacy . The quickest way to get your medicine is through which provides next day delivery.

Keywords : Eczema, Eczema Treatment, Eczema Baby Skin Care Treatment, Eczema Cream, Eczema Skincare, Online Chemist, Online Pharmacy, Pha,

Category : Health and Fitness : Health and Fitness

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