ELeavers.com and Clickbank
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A big source of income for publishers with multiple websites and traffic for both
publishers and advertisers is clickbank and affiliate vendors. ELeavers.com is one place
where the effectiveness of these two tools can be easily maximized.
A big source of income for publishers with multiple websites and traffic for both
publishers and advertisers is clickbank and affiliate vendors. ELeavers.com is one place
where the effectiveness of these two tools can be easily maximized.
It’s become fairly well known that hundreds of thousands of dollars are being made
through clickbank and affiliate programs. They are used to help vendors and publishers
to promote complementary products or services to your own on your site. Usually,
reciprocity results in your products or services being promoted elsewhere as well.
The best part is that just by becoming a member of clickbank, you are ensured connection
with other sites and vendors willing to become your affiliates. Whether or not they
return the favor, you are automatically adding to your site’s value and its
attractiveness to more traffic or a broader audience.
The reason reciprocity (though welcome) is not a make-or-break factor is that as
the publisher of an affiliate promotion, you can end up getting more than the vendor
through clickbank, where it can yield up to 75% on each sale your affiliate relationship
resulted in.
But to reap the profits of the affiliate program, you have to get the audience to your
site to begin with. In order to see income to your clickbank account, you need to
advertise or get advertisers and their income to your site. People brag about the
thousands they make and it sounds like you’ve been doing everything right, joined
all the right sites, clicked the right products and nothing is happened. That’s
because clickbank doesn’t always tell you everything. The key to a successful clickbank
affiliate program these days is investing in the right advertising and marketing network.
Right now, that network is eLeavers.com
ELeavers.com has made a name for itself as serious competition to Google AdSense.
It charges little per click to advertisers, while yielding the highest percentage of
sales to publishers. Accounts can be started for anything from $0-10 and there are
no limits or requirements for time or spending. ELeavers.com guarantees unique
visitors and has their own anti-fraud unit to prevent bots, fake or erroneous clicks.
Their simple sign up process and turnaround time for both advertising and publishing
make it a very time and cost efficient and painless investment. They screen and match
sites and ads by content and screen out offensive and/or adult promotions.
For people with more than one active site or affiliate program, eLeavers.com is ideal,
allowing for one account to include multiple domains and ads can be applied to all
of those sites simultaneously. Their recommended prices allow advertisers to bid
just enough to get priority placement without having to guess how high they have to go.
Bids can start as low as $.05 and be successful. There is no limit to affiliate links,
which makes their service super efficient for big marketers or publishers.
Eleavers.com is very easy to use, where Google AdWords can tend to be heavy on the tech
knowledge required. ELeavers is the best way to effectively use a clickbank and
affiliate program, allowing you to generate the most leads and traffic for the least cost.
In no time, both income and traffic increase with an eLeavers.com account, with the
flexibility to change your plan or program daily, weekly or monthly according to
success and income.
Article Source :
http://www.articleseen.com/Article_ELeavers.com and Clickbank_317966.aspx
Author Resource :
Top ClickBank Affiliate Marketers And Publisher at eleavers.com
The Best Google AdSense Alternative And advertiser at The Marketing
NetWork Alternative To Google adwords
Keywords :
small business, affiliate, marketing, advertising, adwords, PPC, business, internet,
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