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E-commerce Trends 2011

Posted On : Oct-18-2011 | seen (207) times | Article Word Count : 731 |

The E-commerce domain is witnessing new trends that are about to enhance the domain as a more effective and popular medium for buying and selling. The trends range from further boost in the use of social media to introduction of more convenient payment options.
The E-commerce domain is witnessing new trends that are about to enhance the domain as a more effective and popular medium for buying and selling. The trends range from further boost in the use of social media to introduction of more convenient payment options.

The use of Internet in the global business scenario is on an ever increasing growth path, cutting across realms and nature of business. In the given scenario, it will always pay for your business to keep track of the new and emerging trends in the field.

Some of the key E-commerce trends in 2011 -

'Social Commerce' Concept

There is further emergence of 'social commerce' concept, through more penetration of the use of social media and other similar tools in this domain. For example, the use of social media marketing to promote a web shop, or approaching customers with 'social shopping' options wherein a group of friends or acquaintances can literally do 'group shopping' by recommending items that they prefer. Another key example of the use of social media is the integration of social networking sites with the sites of the advertisers. Twitter has seen a major thrust in its use by on-line marketers, cutting across the service or product that is being marketed.

Use Of Videos

Use of videos (like YouTube) has also witnessed an increased popularity with on-line advertisers, with this method having proved itself to be a great way to reach out to the target audience and enhance sales. The marketer has the opportunity to keep a track of who is watching its videos, while the visitor has the opportunity to comment on the video. This is an invaluable feedback that can be fruitfully utilized by the advertiser.

'Come To You' Approach

Instead of waiting for potential customers to visit its website, advertisers are now trying to reach out to them spontaneously. For example, e-commerce companies are using cookie implanting to track and identify visitors to their websites, after which they are ensuring it that the visitor is followed by the ads for their website all over the Internet. It is an example of 'bringing the market to the customer' philosophy, which on-line advertisers are being found to be resorting to increasingly.

'Mobile Shopping'

A virtually universal penetration of mobile phones, with a huge number of mobile phone users having Internet access through their phones, has exposed on-line marketers to another key tool. Mobile phones with shopping applications and other relevant programs are getting more and more popular, with the users being able to conduct on-line shopping through their phones even when they are literally mobile or in the move (like traveling in car or train).

One Stop Shopping

This is another emerging trend, wherein big retailers are cementing partnerships with other businesses to keep the buyers at their sites. Such partnerships are allowing buyers to buy items ranging from electronics to groceries at one site. The best part of this system is that the buyer will get his order delivered at his doorstep. Alternatively, he can schedule the time to pick up his purchase from the shop or store concerned.

Personalized E-mail Marketing

While e-mail marketing has been there for long as a common on-line marketing tool, there has been a change in its trend that may be mentioned here. In contrast to the previous trend of sending a generous mail to a number of potential customers, the modern E-commerce practice demands sending of a suitably personalized e-mail accompanied by appropriate terminology and images.

More Interactive/Responsive Customer Service

E-commerce companies are making sure about it that their customer service workers are available throughout the day to instantly address the needs and queries of the customers, for example through live streaming chat rooms. As a result customers are getting exposed to instant and real time customer service, which marks a significant trend in E-commerce.

More Convenient Payment Options

Now on-line marketers are using NFC (near field communication) devices to facilitate customer payment through a Smartphone. The significance of this method lies in the fact that it does not need buyers to use their debit or credit cards.

There is certainly no doubt that these trends will enhance the arsenal of E-commerce solutions, thus making it a more popular medium for buying and selling.

Article Source : Trends 2011_93814.aspx

Author Resource :
The author is currently associated with PROS for PROS, a US-based company known for its quality services in E-commerce solutions, web hosting, Internet marketing and E-commerce web design.

Keywords : E-commerce solutions, E-commerce web design,

Category : Internet Business : SEO

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