Dry Rot Symptoms and Treatment
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Dry Rot Fungus is a major building decay fungus and can be one of the most insidious and destructive problems your property will ever have
Dry Rot Fungus is a major building decay fungus and can be one of the most insidious and destructive problems your property will ever have. It often causes extensive and very costly damage as it spreads from area to area looking for its food source (timber). Dry rot mycelium is able to grow through bricks and mortar, carrying moisture through its strands, transporting it from damp areas and allowing the rapid spread of the fungi to other areas. Often, when you first discover you have dry rot it is advanced and considerable, often costly damage has already occurred.
If you suspect you have a problem ‘don’t ignore it’ because the rapid spread of the attack can affect major structural timbers and become very costly. You may have experienced a mushroom smell or find you are constantly wiping a reddish-brown dust from your furniture. You may also have noticed a fleshy, rust red pancake like fungus growing? If you have, this is the fruit-body, which produces the profuse red spores, which are settling in your property, looking for the right conditions to spread the attack to other areas. You have the symptoms of dry rot.
The immediate dry rot treatment and restoration work that is required
The cause of the water ingress indentified by our surveyor is rectified and the drying of the area is commenced. All of the affected timber is carefully removed and disposed of and plaster is removed to beyond the last visible sign of the attack. The area of the attack is then thoroughly cleaned and sterilized with fungicidal preservatives before replacing all of the affected timber with new pre-treated timber prior to replastering. Only the safest chemicals and preservatives are used to treat dry rot and you will be advised by us what precautions need to be taken whilst our work is in progress.
Woodworm infestation. The unwated guests living in your home
Woodworm. There are three major species of woodworm that cause damage to the softwood timbers of buildings in the UK, Common Furniture Beetle (Anobium Punctatum) ‘Woodworm’, Wood Boring Weevil (Euophryum Confine) and House Longhorn Beetle (Hylotrupes Bajulus). These infestations of woodworm attack untreated roof and flooring timbers in London and the Home Counties and spread to other areas of your property, affecting your furniture. There are many types of woodworm, some of which can cause severe rapid damage so correct identification is very important.
To avoid structural damage our qualified surveyor will recommend the precise treatment that is required to eradicate the infestation and preserve the timbers. We use only the safest of preservatives that allow you to carry on as normal only 1 hour after our treatment.
Call Tapco HomeDry.com immediately. Our qualified and experienced timber infestation and damp proofing surveyor will establish the significance of the attack and determine, as far as is possible, what timbers are affected. He will locate the cause and the source of the attack and we will issue a detailed report on his findings together with our recommendations and estimate for carrying out all of the remedial treatment and reinstatement works.
Tapco HomeDry.com’s dry rot remedial work and woodworm treatment is covered by our 20 Year Guarantee and protection by The Guarantee Protection Insurance (GPI) is available.
Article Source :
http://www.articleseen.com/Article_Dry Rot Symptoms and Treatment_58960.aspx
Author Resource :
The immediate dry rot treatment and damp proofing by Tapco HomeDry
Keywords :
dry rot treatment,
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Home and Family
Home Improvement