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Don’t Let Water Damage Ruin the Structure of Your Home: Be Aware of its Hazards

Posted On : Jan-30-2012 | seen (282) times | Article Word Count : 549 |

Find out how you can prevent water damage and keep your home in a perfect condition.
As a homeowner, it is solely your responsibility to ensure that your house is 100% safe to live in. This means that you need to make sure that the quality of indoor air is good and does not pose any risks to your family’s health. The same thing holds true for the quality of water that flows through all pipes in your home. But what if the very water which flows through your home is what caused damage to it in the first place? That is exactly what we will learn more about here.

Assessing the Water Damage Risks to Your Home

Basically, water damage occurs in most homes as a result of burst pipes, rainfall, flooding and stagnant water. If not dealt with as soon as possible, a supposedly mild water damage can quickly disintegrate to a more severe situation, resulting to damage to your home’s interiors or the rotting of wooden structures and damage to electrical device. The rule of thumb to follow is that the minute that water damage occurs in your home, you need to deal with it immediately.

To give you an idea about how such water damage risks can pose a health and structural threat to your home, here are its undesirable results:
• Damage to electrical appliances and internal wirings.
Let’s say that a sudden downpour caused water damage to your kitchen and it became flooded. The first water damage risk that you need to prepare for is electrocution! Cut off the electrical source on the part of the house, which is flooded before getting into the water to recover your belongings. The longer that water is in that part of the house, the greater its damage would be to your electrical appliances and internal wirings.

• Mold and mildew.
Next, there’s mold and mildew that you need to watch out for. If this is a threat which can be found even in the cleanest of bathrooms, just imagine how much damage it could wreak if part of your home becomes flooded. Whether it’s a small leak in the roof or an entire room in the house that became flooded, mold and mildew will pose serious threats to your health so make sure that the issue is addressed immediately.

• Structural damage.
Water can easily disintegrate the quality of your home’s structural foundation. The moisture may cause wood to expand or rot over time; squeaky floors may occur, nails may become exposed – the possible structural damage that water can wreak to your home is practically endless.

• Weakening of soil foundation.
Finally, you need to watch out for the weakening of the soil foundation inside or outside your home if part of it becomes flooded.

Now, what are you supposed to do if water damage has already occurred? If it’s just a small leak, you can probably ask a plumber to look into the extent of the damage. However, if an entire room became flooded, make sure to call a water damage company who should come to your home the soonest time possible. The longer that you wait, the greater the water damage could be to your home which would be more difficult to fix and restore.

Article Source :’t Let Water Damage Ruin the Structure of Your Home: Be Aware of its Hazards_141133.aspx

Author Resource :
If you are looking for water damage insurance (or as we say in Norway vannskade forsikring), visit this website. If you are looking for a good bathroom contract (in Norwegian våtroms Kontrakt) to sign, click on this link.

Keywords : bathroom, contract, renovation, water, damage, risks, tips, home, improvement,

Category : Home and Family : Home Improvement

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