Dog Bites in Michigan - When You Need a Dog Bite Attorney
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Few people imagine when they bring a dog into their lives as a pet and part of the family that one day, that pet could turn on them or worst, bite a neighbor or friend. And for most pet owners, this scenario will never come to pass. However, the frequency of such dog bite attacks is on the rise in Michigan.
Few people imagine when they bring a dog into their lives as a pet and part of the family that one day, that pet could turn on them or worst, bite a neighbor or friend. And for most pet owners, this scenario will never come to pass. However, the frequency of such dog bite attacks is on the rise in Michigan. Dog bites represent some of the most brutal kinds of Personal Injury innocent victims can suffer, causing deep, jagged wounds, scarring, blindness and even death. When this happens, a Dog Bite Attorney in Michigan becomes a necessity. The sad fact is, almost all dog bites are preventable according to Dog Bite Attorneys.
"But how can this happen to me?"
Unfortunately, when dog bites occur, it is often through no fault of the victim. Ken Carlson was walking in his Michigan neighborhood late one October afternoon when a pair of Rottweilers who'd gotten loose from their back yard attacked him in the street. He was helpless to stop them. Only the help of near by neighbors saved his life. But Ken was left with the aftermath of the attack: the scars, the emotional anguish and a new found terror of dogs. Dog bite attorneys in Michigan agree that these kinds of symptoms are similar to post-traumatic stress, for the suffering that follows such traumatic incidents is much more than physical.
Unbelievably, 2% of all Americans will suffer dog bites this year. So just what is causing this aggression in dogs? In Michigan in particular, more aggressive breeds of dogs such as Rottweiler, Pit Bull, German Shepherd, Chow and Akita are common. Many people buy these breeds for their aggressiveness as protection. But as any Personal Injury Lawyer will tell you, that aggression goes both ways. Go to any animal shelter. The cages are full of dogs given up by owners who had, for years, left them chained to trees - a sure fire way to turn a dog mean. In fact, 26%-28% of all dog bites were perpetrated by dogs made aggressive by the inhumane technique of chaining. The truth is, dog owners are almost completely responsible for determining whether or not a dog will ever attack. A dog that is well treated, supervised, exercised regularly and loved is rarely responsible for the dog bite attacks that make the six o'clock news.
What are the risk factors?
Some breeds are naturally more aggressive than others. Chows and Akitas, Pits and Rottweilers all fall into this category. While the deciding factor with all of these breeds is often solely a function of how they are raised and treated, michigan dog bite attorney agree that these breeds are of particular concern.
Male dogs are much more likely to bite than female dogs.
Puppy Mill Dogs - are genetically predisposed to aggression, due to in-breeding and the inhumane conditions under which they are raised.
Chaining Dogs - This technique is actually outlawed in many states. It's cruel and punishing. Dog bite lawyers pursuing litigation in such cases find that dogs that are chained are also generally neglected and in poor health. Both of these factors contribute to attacks and aggression.
Poor socialization - dogs which are never socialized are more likely to attack as a pure defense mechanism.
The pack mentality - dogs in two's, three's or even four's without supervision tend to be much more dangerous that single dogs. Packs of two or more roaming loose on the streets of Michigan, can be a deadly menace.
Sick or injured dogs - Clearly this is a factor for any animal, wild or domestic. Animal control is the best way to deal with a sick or injured loose dog. But owners must take responsibility for the health of their dogs with regular visits to the vet.
Children are often the smallest victims of dog bites, which are now responsible for more emergency room visits for children under ten than from any other activities. Most often, a frightening 61% of the time, these attacks happens at home or at the home of a friend, where the dogs are trusted. But small children can appear to be prey to vicious dogs. While owners may claim provocation occurred, a good personal injury lawyer knows that in most cases, children innocently approach dogs, but aggressive dogs can perceive that as a threat.
My neighbor's dog bit my child. I can't sue my friend, can I?
First, contact a Dog Bite Attorney in Michigan. Personal Injury Lawyers specializing in Dog Bite Law can help you sort out the emotional and physical issues and steer you toward the financial help you may need to treat the aftermath of a Dog Bite attack. Many Dog Bites are completely covered under the dog owner's home owner's insurance policy. Even if you can't afford medical treatment, an expert Dog Bite Attorney can get you assistance on your medical bills pending litigation and help you to understand the ins and outs of Dog Bite law in Michigan.
Article Source : Bites in Michigan - When You Need a Dog Bite Attorney_77191.aspx
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The author Karan Agarwal mostly writes articles on michigan dog bite attorney and also specializing in all types of injury related dog attacks. His expertise, knowledge and tenacity are reflected in the results he achieves for his clients. More details
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michigan dog bite attorney, michigan dog bite lawyer,
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