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Wernersville, PA, 19609

Does Your Sunscreen Really Work?

Posted On : Oct-17-2011 | seen (245) times | Article Word Count : 440 |

The increasing cases of skin cancer among Americans led the Environmental Working Group (EWG) to conduct a survey. The report is shocking. It is a well-known fact that the harmful rays of the sun cause skin cancer and this is why a sunscreen needs to be used. However, it was found that despite the use of sunscreen, a large number of people suffered from skin cancer. The EWG looked into this matter and investigated approximately 952 sunscreens. Shockingly, fewer than 150 sunscreens passed the t
The increasing cases of skin cancer among Americans led the Environmental Working Group (EWG) to conduct a survey. The report is shocking.
It is a well-known fact that the harmful rays of the sun cause skin cancer and this is why a sunscreen needs to be used. However, it was found that despite the use of sunscreen, a large number of people suffered from skin cancer.
The EWG looked into this matter and investigated approximately 952 sunscreens. Shockingly, fewer than 150 sunscreens passed the test and were declared to be safe. Even the big well known brands like Banana Boat, Neutrogena ad even Coopertone, the most popular and largest sunscreen selling company in US, were found to be unsafe.
Cooperstone manufactures about 40 types of sunscreens. None of them have passed the safety test and only 1% of the sunscreens manufactured by Neutrogena, The Body Shop, and Banana Boat were found to be providing complete protection.
It was found that either the sunscreens provided insufficient protection or they contained harmful ingredients that affected skin negatively. Though the Food and Drug Administration of United States has laid down a number of laws, they are not stringent. This is the reason why sunscreens are not as effective as they should be. And with this problem having continued for a long time, nearly 30 years, it is expected that some changes will be made soon. Though there are laws and the FDA has suggestions, the major change will come about when the sunscreen industry is regulated.
Meanwhile, you have to protect yourself from the sun. You can either buy brands such as Keys Soap Soar Rx Therapeutic Sunblock with SPF 30 or Lavera Sunscreen Neutral with SPF 40 or check the ingredients of the sunscreen for more protection. These two brands have been recommended by EWG. As to checking the sunscreens, you cannot do more than read the bottle. If what is printed on the bottle not true, then you can only follow EWG’s recommendations and buy the two recommended brands.
Read the EWG report that had been uploaded at to know which sunscreen companies have passed the test and which have to be avoided. You will also know what a good sunscreen should contain. Though you cannot get the ingredients of the sunscreen tested yourself, you can buy the recommended products and protect your skin.
With cases of skin cancer on the rise, you cannot do enough to protect yourself.
Brenda Lyttle is a beauty expert who began writing for publications in her community in 2005 and now commands an authority in writing on health, wrinkle cream, and anti-aging related topics.

Article Source : Your Sunscreen Really Work?_93195.aspx

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