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Does Drinking Coffee Aids Weight Loss?

Posted On : Oct-04-2010 | seen (697) times | Article Word Count : 627 |

Drinking coffee for health and weight loss is probably the most popular and controversial drugs in the world. Some so called experts claim that caffeine increases your metabolic rate, making weight loss easier and faster.
Drinking coffee for health and weight loss is probably the most popular and controversial drugs in the world. Some so called experts claim that caffeine increases your metabolic rate, making weight loss easier and faster. Caffeine also promotes gains in short-term, high-intensity athletic performance. Caffeine decreases your perception of pain during exercise. This might explain why fitness competitors routinely down a cup of java right before exercise! Caffeine also improves mental alertness and reduces your perception of fatigue.

The coffee research, however, found that consumption of ground caffeinated coffee appeared to have an independent relationship with weight loss. The findings implied that the caffeine present in coffee may help people to decrease body weight. But no studies show any indication that weight loss from large amounts of caffeine is permanent or significant. There is also no documented evidence that increasing caffeine intake by itself can have any effect on weight loss. In addition, some studies found that decaffeinated coffee may contribute to modest changes in weight. Does coffee help weight loss?

According to the scientists, older and younger men show a similar thermogenic response to caffeine ingestion, whereas older men show a smaller increase in fatty acid availability after a caffeine challenge. In this study, researchers enrolled 18,417 men and 39,740 women from 1986 to 1998. Caffeine intake was assessed repeatedly every 2-4 years. Weight change was calculated as the difference between the self-reported weight in 1986 and in 1998.

The researchers suggests that a lower mean weight gain in participants who increased their consumption of caffeine than in those who decreased their caffeine consumption.

Scientists, led by David Costill, Ph.D, found that consuming 2 cups of coffee about 1 hour before a run can boost your endurance-possibly by encouraging your body to burn more fat and less glycogen for fuel.

A study conducted by the Canadian government found that soldiers who consumed caffeine in the 12 hours prior to a physical-fitness test not only were able to work out longer before becoming exhausted, but also consumed more oxygen while working out. The body's oxygen requirements are directly related to the speed of your metabolism, so the more oxygen you use, the more calories you burn during your workout.

Excess of coffee increases urinary secretion, For some who are battling weight, diuretics may seem like friendly allies, but in reality, harsh diuretics like coffee may do more harm than good. When you urinate too often, you lose magnesium, potassium, sodium, and Vitamin B1.

Caffeine might work by stimulating the adrenal glands, which revs up the body's fight-or-flight response. This "fight or flight" response causes the body to release sugar into the blood as muscle fuel. If you don't use this sugar, the sugar triggers a release of insulin. This leads to temporary signs of a condition called insulin resistance. As well as making weight loss more difficult, some experts believe that insulin resistance increases can your risk of both type II diabetes and heart disease.

Caffeine might work by stimulating the adrenal glands, which revs up the body's fight-or-flight response. This "fight or flight" response causes the body to release sugar into the blood as muscle fuel. If you don't use this sugar, the sugar triggers a release of insulin. This leads to temporary signs of a condition called insulin resistance. As well as making weight loss more difficult, some experts believe that insulin resistance increases can your risk of both type II diabetes and heart disease.

If you want to lose weight, you have fundamentally two options, diet and exercise. Don't try caffeine to help you speed up your metabolism, keep in mind that caffeine's a stimulant and too much can cause nervousness, insomnia and other problems.

Article Source : Drinking Coffee Aids Weight Loss?_35982.aspx

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Author: If you want more information about weight loss please visit this site right now.

Keywords : alternative medicine, diet, food, Health, coffee, weight loss, Caffeine, does coffee help weight loss?,

Category : Health and Fitness : Weight Loss

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