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Discover Why It’s So Important to Get Regular Eye Exams

Posted On : Sep-17-2010 | seen (429) times | Article Word Count : 822 |

Your eye doctor will ask you to read from a chart that features numerous rows of numbers and letters that will become smaller as th
We seem to have no problem getting ourselves to the doctor. We call when we’ve got a mysterious rash, or when we swear our heart is beating too fast. We’re happy to show up for our physicals, and we’ll easily wait over an hour to see our favorite medical practitioner.

We’re the same way about the dentist: child needs braces? No problem, he’ll be at the orthodontist for his first appointment at 9AM sharp.

Kid needs glasses? Hold up – he hasn’t been to the eye doctor in years! It’s funny – as a society, we seem to forget to take care of our eyes.

We’re perfectly happy to get our teeth cleaned every few months, and to go to the doctor whenever they call us for an appointment (and for many, whenever the mood strikes), but ask us to head over to the eye doctor, and we’ll put it off.

Here’s the thing: your eyes are serious business! They’re the only way you can see the world around you.

They help you get around, get up and down stairs, find your way to work in the morning – without them, you’d be lost. Try walking around blindfolded for a day and you’ll see it’s not easy to go without your eyesight.

So why are we so relaxed about getting regular eye checkups? The truth is, we shouldn’t be. It’s very important to get regular eye exams! Everyone should get their eyes checked at least once a year. Here are some reasons why.

If you haven’t gotten your eyes checked recently, set up an appointment! You need to see either an optometrist or an ophthalmologist.

An optometrist is probably good for your first appointment, because they can take care of you if your eyes having nothing medically wrong with them.

If you’ve had eye issues in the past, you need to see an ophthalmologist, who can further diagnose your eye problems and help you to learn how to treat them. Consider getting a referral from a friend. If you’re new to your area, ask the company HR director at your work for a list of referrals – people that others in your new office have used and liked.

An eye exam is one of the best ways to protect your vision, because it can help you detect potential problems at their earliest stage, which is when they’re most treatable. Regular eye exams help you correct or adapt to changes in your vision and provide you with tips on how to care for your eyes. Potential issues that can come up with your eyes, besides the usual lack of vision or vision impediments, are eye diseases or eye issues associated with chronic disease, such as diabetes, which can often lead to eye problems.

if you wear glasses, someone in your family does, or anyone you know has a history of contagious eye diseases, you should be visiting the eye doctor at least twice a year. If you were born prematurely, you may need to have frequent eye checks to make sure you aren’t suffering from retinal problems. If you are African-American, it’s also smart to check for glaucoma, which can be extremely serious. Visits to the eye doctor can also help you prevent and treat problems such as cataracts.

When you’re at the eye doctor, your doctor will usually administer the Visual Acuity Test first – this is the test you are most likely familiar with.

Your eye doctor will ask you to read from a chart that features numerous rows of numbers and letters that will become smaller as they descend. You will be asked to stand about twenty to forty feet away from a sign and will be asked to read the lines. This test helps determine whether or not you need glasses.

In other words, it’s quite important!
Another important test checks your eyes’ understanding of color. The Color Vision Test consists of a bunch of colorful dots that comprise larger circles. There’s usually a number or line hidden behind the circles – if you’re color blind, you will not be able to see the lines, and your doctor will be able to discern that you’re suffering from color blindness and will treat you accordingly. This is an important test, as many people who are color blind do not realize that they are.

You may also be tested for mobility, papillary response and near-point convergence. All of these tests check to make sure that your eyes are working properly.

While the eye doctor might initially seem like a waste of time, the tests above are extremely important. They don’t just dictate when or if you need glasses, but they also serve to ensure that there aren’t any larger issues going on with your eyes. Get yourself an eye appointment!

Article Source : Why It’s So Important to Get Regular Eye Exams_33402.aspx

Author Resource :
Teri Thackston is a freelance writer who writes about health, eye care and specific products and tips to purchase contact lenses online.

Keywords : contact lenses online,

Category : Health and Fitness : Health and Fitness

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