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United States of America,
Mudlick Mail,
2487 Cedarcrest Rd; Suite 612

Direct Mail Company Relevancy

Posted On : Nov-01-2012 | seen (705) times | Article Word Count : 523 |

It seems as though advertising companies are constantly pushing businesses toward online marketing lately, but what they seem to be forgetting is that direct mail is still the most effective marketing strategy for many sectors of business.
It seems as though advertising companies are constantly pushing businesses toward online marketing lately, but what they seem to be forgetting is that direct mail is still the most effective marketing strategy for many sectors of business. Direct mail companies are reporting high return on investment, especially for small businesses.

Various studies have shown that many demographics are not looking for services and products on the web. What is most surprising is that even young adults are more responsive to direct mail advertising than email marketing. Many businesses waste advertising dollars in places their demographic isn’t even looking. Local customers are looking for service providers in the neighborhood, but do not know where to look.

No matter how much online advertising claims to be able target a prospective customer, you can’t get any more precise than delivering materials to their mailbox. The yellow pages seem to have vanished and online searches are littered with irrelevant websites. Customers are looking to find you already so deliver what they are looking for right to their mailbox.

Because of the misconceptions about direct mail, many companies have cut down on the frequency of direct mail due to rising mailing and printing costs. With the competition thinned, your postcard marketing has a higher chance of being read. Direct mail is the first step in the sales process. Even if the sale is completed online, it was the direct mail piece that drove the sale.

Direct mail has high returns because direct mail companies are able to target a very specific audience. With this audience in mind, the entire direct mail process, from design to mailing, will be geared toward the targeted customer base. You can blanket an entire local area with your marketing flyers or selectively choose a niche mailing list. Online marketing is too generally focused and that creates nothing more than an impersonal sales pitch.

Direct mail companies are effective because their strategies provide a personal connection that an online advertisement or even print ad never can do. It’s not just a banner on the top of a web page; it is an informational and creative representation of your company. This creates the feeling of a personal connection and a customer who is ready to purchase.

One of the biggest benefactors of the work direct mail companies is a small, local business. Too busy wasting time with friends on Facebook and ramblings on twitter, small businesses need to get back to what has always worked: direct mail advertising. Those small businesses that have continued to trust direct mail companies and did not abandon strategies that worked are still in business. The local consumer wants to hear from them.

Investing in advertising and marketing can feel like a gamble, but with direct mail companies the gamble has proven to pay off consistently. Online marketers are quickly discovering the inability of online advertising to increase sales, but are still pushing failing marketing strategies. In times of economic downturn, it’s best to stick with what works; the tried and true methods of direct mail, which are more relevant than ever.

Article Source : Mail Company Relevancy_233339.aspx

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Article Source: Mudlick Mail

Keywords : Facebook, Mudlick Mail, postcard marketing, most effective marketing strategy,

Category : Business : Business

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