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Different types of gardening and garden maintenance

Posted On : Aug-29-2011 | seen (222) times | Article Word Count : 474 |

Gardening is an activity, the ability and skill of growing plants, habitually in a space referred to as a garden. A garden is a rich, well-cultivated area of country or a piece of ground appropriated to the cultivation of herbs, fruits, flowers, or vegetables. Mostly gardens are owned by an individuals, companies, or families. A garden which is in closer to one's residence is also known as a residential garden. Though the garden is normally situated on the surface areas surrounding or adjacent
Gardening- This is the activity of growing different kinds of plant in a garden. There are different type’s of soils where gardening can be done although not all are suitable for gardening but the most important thing is to knowing how to deal with them, what kinds of plants will grow best in the different kinds and how to treat any problems. Generally the best soil that is good for gardening is mainly loam soil.

Types of Gardening

In general growing plants is a satisfying mode to beautify our indoor and outdoor spaces, and gardening become more and more popular. There are actually many different types of gardening that include various styles, techniques, locations and types of plants. Let’s look at some types of gardening.

1} Container gardening: this is where the plant is planted on a container either in-door or out-door. This type of gardening gives the gardener full control over moisture, sunlight, and temperature and it also eliminates the problems of weeds, most soil-borne diseases and bacterial infections.

2} Indoor gardening: this is growing plant in a seedling or greenhouse where they are later transplanted. It brings the beauty of nature inside and also purifies the air.

3} Water gardening: this are the plant that grow in the water mostly know as aquatic plants.

4} Residential gardening: This is planting plants in a garden that surround the home area.

Purposes of gardening

Generally plants are grown for different purposes such as:
• For food
• For medicine
• For feeding animals
• Some for production of clothing
• For beauty of the country like flowers
• For recreation

Garden maintenance

Untidy and overgrown gardens can spoil the appearance of an estate or may even become a health hazard. For a garden to be productive and for your plant to be healthy, to get high yield it should be well maintained. Regular garden maintenance takes time and requires skills. Trees, bushes and hedges should be trimmed to look tidier and ponds should be cleared of leaves.

Lawn Care

At times lawn care can be a time consuming activity, particularly if it’s done inappropriately. Always keep your lawns healthy using good maintenance practices. Grow a healthy lawn can be achieved by using correct fertilizing, liming, aeration, mowing, topdressing, over seeding and irrigation practices. Keeping a weed-free, lush lawn increases the value of your home, a major benefit during stressful economic times and lower home prices.

Gardening is a creative experience and can also be a hobby too. It also helps a person clear her mind and allows the participant to refocus their attention on the creation. Above all the most obvious benefit of gardening is that it can be a great way to relieve stress and enhancing beauty.

Article Source : types of gardening and garden maintenance _77571.aspx

Author Resource :
Mitchs Gardening | Garden construction | Gardening professional

Keywords : Mitchs Gardening | Garden design | Garden maintenance,

Category : Home and Family : Gardening

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