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Develop History of Teeth Whitening

Posted On : Dec-22-2011 | seen (288) times | Article Word Count : 413 |

Cosmetic dentistry, which has over $15 billion revenue in the U.S. market, it grows with a double-digit percentage annual, it is an industry which set off a boom in the world, and teeth whitening technology is one of fastest growth. Because of this technology, human discoloration of the teeth for various causes thus is improved.
Cosmetic dentistry, which has over $15 billion revenue in the U.S. market, it grows with a double-digit percentage annual, it is an industry which set off a boom in the world, and teeth whitening technology is one of fastest growth. Because of this technology, human discoloration of the teeth for various causes thus is improved.

Whitening abroad is largely a cosmetic, rather than simply a treatment with all kinds of dental equipment, teeth bleaching in many countries and scaling has been as common, many people in the semi-annual cleanings at the same time (it usually takes 3 to 7 days) for bleaching teeth to make their white teeth and always maintain a state.

The develop history of teeth whitening

In1877, Dr. Chapple use hydrochloric acid for the teeth bleaching, and he is the first person to use this technology. .

In 1884, Harlanin published the first report of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) instances of teeth bleaching, and then hydrogen peroxide from tooth whitening has become the main agent,

In 1895, Westlake use pyrazone (one mixture containing 30% hydrogen peroxide and a part of aldehyde) with the bleaching experiments (Ames, 1937) with the electron temperature 30 minutes to 5-25 times dental supply, can be successful in the removal of enamel fluorosis.

In 1942, Younger did a teeth bleaching experience to 40 children who were 8 to 14-year-old with dental fluorosis, the results show that the technology is very successful and has nonnegative effects. From then on, experts began to develop some dental equipment to help with the teeth whitening (See reference: Younger, 1942)

In 1989 Haywood and Heyman mixed diamine carbon acid - hydrogen peroxide and H2NCONH2-H2O2 into the denture to beach the teeth that is family whitening model.

From 1918, professionals, studies have shown that bright light from a dental curing light can accelerate the whitening agent on teeth bleaching, and its ever-depth study.

Dental Clinic from 1930 began to use hydrogen peroxide for bleaching (see: Ames, 1937; Murrin and Barkmeier, 1982). Often use their technology, including 30% -35% hydrogen peroxide solutions in line with the light.

In 1996 the U.S. FDA approved the use of laser teeth whitening whitening agent, and then a variety of different types of dental curing light sources as the accelerator, with its more effective method of whitening whitening agent on the last came into being.

Article Source : History of Teeth Whitening _122879.aspx

Author Resource :
dental equipment
dental supply
dental curing light

Keywords : Teeth Whitening, Teeth Whitening history, dental equipment, dental supply, dental curing light,

Category : Health and Fitness : Health and Fitness

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