Details About C2050-725, IBM WebSphere Commerce Certification
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IBM WebSphere Commerce V7 (FEP 7), Application Development is an IBM certification for professionals to advance their careers in the field of IT. This is a unique and well respected certification.
IBM WebSphere Commerce V7 (FEP 7), Application Development is an IBM certification for professionals to advance their careers in the field of IT. This is a unique and well respected certification.
IBM C2050-725, IBM WebSphere Commerce V7 (FEP 7), Application Development basically helps in authenticating the experience and abilities of an IT professional of the IBM’s product or service in concern.
The IBM WebSphere Commerce V7, Application Development exam is a one and a half hour exam and has 56 questions in total all of them being multiple choice questions. One important thing that the candidate needs to remember is that this exam is available in English and Japanese language only. The passing score for this exam is it is 62%.
There are 6 major topics that are to be covered for the C2050-725, IBM WebSphere Commerce V7 (FEP 7), Application Development exam. The first one is Architecture and Programming Framework which is approximately 17% of the total exam. This includes subtopics like differences and limitations of different product editions, difference between WebSphere Commerce business models, WebSphere Commerce data models, WebSphere Commerce search and WebSphere Commerce Composer framework.
The second topic is Installation, Configuration and Maintenance which is approximately 17% of the total exam. This includes subtopics like WebSphere Commerce developer installation process, configuring and publishing stores and evaluating the installation and applying troubleshooting techniques.
The third topic for this C2050-725, IBM WebSphere Commerce V7 (FEP 7), Application Development exam is Development and Customization which is approximately 37% of the total exam. This includes subtopics like configuring WebSphere Commerce Search, applying access control concepts, REST Framework, customizing presentation layer, dynamic caching, customizing business logic, session management and customization of IBM Management Center for WebSphere Commerce.
The fourth topic is Testing, Troubleshooting and Debugging which is approximately 11% of the total exam. This includes subtopics like Interpreting WebSphere Commerce Messages, Identifying the appropriate logs for troubleshooting, Logging and tracing and customizing tests for the storefront and different application layers.
The fifth topic is Payments and Integration with External Systems which is approximately 13% of the total exam. This includes subtopics like creating, configuring and developing payment sub-systems, configuring Outbound/Inbound messages and creates Web services Message mapping and lastly Integrate with IBM Digital Analytics and IBM Web Content Manager.
The last topic of the C2050-725 exam is Staging, Data Load, and IBM WebSphere Commerce Build and Deploy (WCBD) which is approximately 11% of the total exam. This includes subtopics like staging server concepts and its associated utilities, configuring and customizing staging for custom tables, WCBD tool and Configure, customizing and troubleshooting the WebSphere Commerce data load utility.
Article Source : About C2050-725, IBM WebSphere Commerce Certification_316541.aspx
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C2050-725 exam, C2050-725 certification, C2050-725 free demo,
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Computer Certification