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Dell Troubleshooting

Posted On : May-17-2011 | seen (956) times | Article Word Count : 710 |

Dell is a one of the leading manufacturer of computers and computer spare parts. Dell was started by Michael Dell. With this article we want you to learn how to recover your Dell computer to work again once the operating system is corrupt.
Dell is a one of the leading manufacturer of computers and computer spare parts. Dell was started by Michael Dell. With this article we want you to learn how to recover your Dell computer to work again once the operating system is corrupt. We would request you to consult Dell Support because some Dell computers require that you purchase hardware directly from them, as they are not available in the market and they are system specific.
iGennie Technical Services is your free Dell Support Adviser. In a situation where you cannot boot your Dell computer and does not know what to do, you can contact the Dell computer experts of iGennie. Running the Dell Diagnostic is the first troubleshooting step towards the resolution of your computer problem, so if you read this articles and still need help, Call iGennie technical Services.

Dell System Recovery
This part of the article will explain you several options to get your Dell back up so that your system is running again. Try the following in order, as they get more complicated as you move down.

System Restore :– You can use System Restore to return your computer to an earlier saved point in your system registry, if the system restore services are on. A system restore is a feature built into Windows that allows you to go back to a previous state.Your computer will automatically create restore points periodically, and valid restore points may be restored from a list, usually displayed as a calendar of valid restore points. Each date may have several restore point you can choose according to your need. This can be a valuable tool if you have installed a program or made changes to your system setup, and the computer is no longer behaving properly. For any help with System Restore or Computer Support you can contact the Computer Experts.

1. Save any files you are working on, and close all open applications.
2. Click START >> All Programs >> Accessories >> System Tools >> System restore.
3. If you are prompted for it, enter the administrator password.
A. Some Windows installations will only require confirmation.
4. A valid restore point will be suggested.
A. Select the suggested point, or select another from the list.
5. The computer will be restarted using the selected restore point.

Dell Data Safe Local Backup :– Try this method if the System Restore does not work in the first step. You will need the Dell recovery disk. Restart the computer. When you see the Dell logo, start taping the F8 key until you get to the Advanced Boot Options. Select Repair Your Computer -> Next, select Dell DataSafe Restore and Emergency Backup from the System recovery Options ->Follow the on screen instructions to complete the recovery process.
System Recovery Media: – Use this method to perform a System Recovery in the event you cannot boot into Windows or if you have replaced your hard drive. To use the System Recovery Media, put the DVD into the computer and restart the machine. As the machine begins to boot, start taping F12. Select the boot device as DVD and then follow the instructions to perform recovery using the media.
Dell Factory Image Restore: – When all the above method does not work, This is the final step, if you can backup your data any how please do so before attempting this process. This method will destroy any data or programs you have installed since you bought the computer. When ready, reboot and keep taping F8 until you see the Advanced Boot Options.
Select Dell Factory Image Restore. What happens after this is your computer will restored to the same state as it was when you brought it home. The image resides on a separate partition of your Dell’s hard drive.
These are several different recovery options for your Dell systems. Some methods will not affect your work while the other can erase everything. Choose the one according to the situation. Please create the recovery media when you buy a Dell computer or laptop. And the best advice would be always performing routine backups of your important data.

Article Source : Troubleshooting_62323.aspx

Author Resource :
(Article by: iGennie is a fastest growing online PC solution provider company in US, Canada and UK. For more info visit,

Keywords : Dell Support, Dell tech Support, Dell laptop repair, Dell computer support, Dell technical help, Dell help, Dell Driver Downl,

Category : Computers : Hardware

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