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Dealing With Mid-Year 2nd Grade Math Problems

Posted On : Jan-25-2012 | seen (1395) times | Article Word Count : 509 |

Many children start to show weaknesses in mathematics during the 2nd grade, as many classrooms introduce fractions, place values and other potentially difficult concepts. Addition and multiplication skills are also reinforced throughout the year, and if your child is struggling, he or she will likely continue to struggle without some help.
Many children start to show weaknesses in mathematics during the 2nd grade, as many classrooms introduce fractions, place values and other potentially difficult concepts. Addition and multiplication skills are also reinforced throughout the year, and if your child is struggling, he or she will likely continue to struggle without some help. Problems usually become evident towards the middle of the school year, as this is usually when children start falling behind and when new concepts are typically introduced. Fortunately, parents can help kids understand and perform 2nd grade math skills with some appropriate at-home practice.

Why Math Problems Become Apparent Halfway Through The School Year

The first question that many parents have when a teacher mentions that a child is struggling with 2nd grade math is why they weren't informed sooner. This can be an unfair question, as teachers are rarely aware of weaknesses until they've had time to work with their students for several months. This is why mid-year math problems are fairly common with 2nd graders.

In reality, kids who struggle with math are usually struggling with instruction techniques, which is why differentiated instruction is gaining favor in thousands of United States classrooms. However, it can be hard for both teachers and parents to spot problems and therefore make the appropriate changes. The right tools can make this process easier.

Monitoring Your Child's Progress

If you're looking for an active way to get involved with your child's 2nd grade math lessons, you should make sure that you're using appropriate tools. You'll have to find an effective means of charting your child's progress over the course of the year to mark improvements and to spot any future math problems before they have time to really develop.

You can do this at home by using 2nd grade math software to help your child regularly practice basic math skills. There are a number of programs that can help you do this, and by tracking the number of correct and incorrect answers that your child submits, these programs create effective learning charts that you can use to guide your at-home lessons. Online games are particularly effective, as they can be used from both home and school computers.

Re-teaching Math Lessons With Different Instruction Techniques

Once you've spotted weaknesses, it's important to deal with them right away. Stay in contact with your child's teacher and discuss the possibility of using different types of instruction to teach problematic lessons. Many teachers will appreciate the interest and may even be able to find ways to combine at-home and in-classroom lessons for the best possible results.

Many children have problems with mathematics in the 2nd grade. It's a difficult age to encounter any academic difficulties and children often deal with frustration due to the complexity of their math lessons. By helping them at home and by using age-appropriate electronic learning tools, you'll take a lot of the stress out of the situation, which will lead to better results and a better in-school experience for your child.

Article Source : With Mid-Year 2nd Grade Math Problems_139122.aspx

Author Resource :
Jim Wheelin writes about many different educational topics for parents and kids. Recently, he has been testing out different 2nd grade math games to help his little ones improve on their math skills. Jim also likes to use interactive and fun educational resources such as

Keywords : 2nd grade math games, math games,

Category : Reference and Education : K 12 Education

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