DVT: The Deadly Killer
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Dr. Chopra Vascular Clinic is a healthcare Clinic which provides a service concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases affecting arteries, veins and lymphatics.
If you have been stationary for long and you have pain and swelling in your leg, take care, it may be Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), Says Doctors, and Vascular surgeon.
If you have been stationary for long and you have pain and swelling in your leg, take care, it may be Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), Says Doctors, and Vascular surgeon. ”I have dealt with nearly 100 cases of DVT in the recent past and several victims were between the ages 18-35 years. People more likely to suffer from DVT include those who travel for long hours, continuously work on computers, remain immobile for hours, or those who ride a bike for long, etc. A blood clot forms usually in the calf region which when travels to the lungs can result in heart failure. In acute cases, patients survive for less than 30 minutes’, if not attended. To avoid DVT,
People should drink plenty of fluids or rail journey, move ankles frequently and elevate your legs a bit before going to sleep.”
Being a couch potato can be harmful to one’s feet is equally bad, if not worse, say vascular surgeons. Jawans of the armed forces and police personnel, counter sales staff at shops and women doing their household chores are at risk of getting affected with Varicose Veins as their work mostly involves maintaining a standing posture, they say.
“When we stand the ankles take all our weight. In a normal person, on standing, the weight of blood is transmitted to the ankle the column of blood into small compartments and reduces the pressure at the ankle.
“However, when the valves are spoilt, the weight of the entire blood column is transmitted to the ankle (which is increased to more than 10 fold). This leads to distressing complications like profuse bleeding, discoloration and ulcers,” says Doctors.
A vascular surgeon provides a service concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases affecting arteries, veins and lymphatic.The incidence is very low but the recognized SE is – anaphylaxis, allergic reactions, thrombophlebitis, cutaneous necrosis, pigmentation and neoangiogenesis.
The most dreaded complication is anaphylaxis. It occurs in 0.2% of the cases and can cause itching, erythema, flushing and angioedema. The worrying factor is oedema of the mucous membranes leading to laryngeal oedema and stridor. The treatment is immediate Epinephrine which counters vasodilatation and bronchoconstriction and further release of mediators form mast cells. This followed by injection of corticosteroids and antihistamines. Polidocanol is a safer sclerosing agent with much lower side effects.
Thrombophlebitis occurs in 1-3%.
DVT may occur following the flushing of sclerosant into the deep venous system.
Ulceration and necrosis of the skin are complications found occasionally due to the extravasation of the sclerosant. It is due to arterial occlusion by the sclerosant. This is avoided by using diluted sclerosant.
Post sclerosant hyperpigmentation is common and seen in 30%. The incidence with STD and hypertonic saline is high but with polidocanol it is extremely low. The way to avoid this is by injecting with low pressure and diluted solutions. Should it occur then make an incision over the site and expressing the blood containing hemosiderin containing RBC. Any way 90% automatically disappear in 12 months. The treatment of hyperpigmentation is unsuccessful to date.
At times new telangiectasias appear. This is thought to be due to response to the endothelial growth factor, mast cell products or platelet derived growth factor. May be estrogen is responsible. This neoangiogenesis is prevented by the dilution of sclerosant injection and using very low quantities per injection – 0.1-0.2 ml. Most treatment is ineffective but it mostly resolves in 3-6 months. Pulse-dye laser therapy has been helpful but is very expensive and not available in most centres.
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http://www.articleseen.com/Article_DVT: The Deadly Killer_140741.aspx
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Keywords :
Ulcer leg, Diabetic foot, Gangrene foot, Laser Varicose Veins, RFA Varicose Veins, Vascular Clinic, Vascular Clinic in India, ,
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Health and Fitness