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Creative Gardening: Hillside Landscaping Alternatives

Posted On : Jul-29-2009 | seen (859) times | Article Word Count : 513 |

When it comes to gardening, hillside landscaping is probably one of the most difficult tasks landscapers can ever be faced with. This is because soil erosion is a big issue when it comes to this type of landscaping and the soil’s ability to hold the water necessary for plant growth becomes a challenge.
When it comes to gardening, hillside landscaping is probably one of the most difficult tasks landscapers can ever be faced with. This is because soil erosion is a big issue when it comes to this type of landscaping and the soil’s ability to hold the water necessary for plant growth becomes a challenge.

Before anything else, it is important to understand that it is never a good idea to disturb the natural formation of sloping landscapes. This type of development was brought about by a number of natural factors such as the movement of soil and rocks. Nature has its own way of doing things and it is necessary for humans to respect this. The true beauty of hillside landscaping is not in the ability to modify natural land formations; it is rather the use of creativity in creating beautiful gardens in accordance with the natural cycle of growth.

Provided below are some ideas on how to go about this challenging but rewarding task without interrupting nature’s peace.


One way to make sloped lands more amenable for gardening without disturbing nature’s intended plans is by creating terraces. This practice has been done by indigenous peoples for centuries and it still remains to be a very effective technique. The basic rule here is that the number of terraces should be dependent on the degree of the land’s slope. It is important to build these terraces in such a way that water irrigation becomes efficient. One may also want to incorporate some mini walls made of stone for added foundation and support.

Rock Gardens

An alternative to terraces is the addition of some rock formations to help prevent the erosion of soil. This is a great way to take advantage of nature’s gift by using the rocks’ own weight to hold the soil down, thus keeping the land formation in place. One can plant flowering plants between the spaces around the rocks to be able to give off a hard and soft landscaping feature. The awesome combination of rocks and flowers will surely be an eye-catching sight.

Aside from providing aesthetic value, another advantage of using rocks is that they are very cheap. One can make use of boulders used in the construction of walls and arrange them in such a way that they are able to serve their purpose while adding to the overall beauty of the garden.

Pocket Trenches

One last suggestion is the addition of pocket trenches. This is actually a variation of terraces only that this method makes use of slightly oversized trees which should be positioned at regular intervals. This is another way to make use of one’s creative gardening juices by strategically planting these trees in certain parts of the garden. These trees will eventually grow and their roots should be an effective way to help prevent soil erosion. Although the results will not be instantaneous, the positive effects of these trees on both the garden and the soil will surely be worth the wait in the long run.

Article Source : Gardening: Hillside Landscaping Alternatives_2130.aspx

Author Resource :
Angus Horticulture is a leading supplier of garden products such as lawn and garden fertiliser. If you prefer a garden that requires less maintenance why not try Dekorbeton’s imprinted concrete which provide a low cost alternative to natural stone paving.

Keywords : Angus Horticulture, Plant Nutrients, Plant, Amenity, Agriculture, Gardening,

Category : Home and Family : Gardening

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