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Convert Digital Books with Hamster Free eBook Converter

Posted On : Nov-18-2011 | seen (244) times | Article Word Count : 507 |

Storing books in the digital medium is all the rage, especially with the many new eBook readers. While the PDF format is the most popular, there are others, and Hamster Free eBook Converter helps to overcome any compatibility problems which arise.
Books stored in a digital format, known as an "eBook" are all the rage these days. You see people using eBook readers on public transport, in parks, at work and just about everywhere else. In the last few years, they have become extremely popular among people on the move. While the whole thing largely started with the launch of the original Amazon Kindle eBook reader, there are now loads of other devices on the market, including Smartphones which some people use to read digitally-stored books. As with every other type of medium, such as video and audio, there is now a plethora of different formats circulating the web and beyond. Most manufacturers of eBook Readers use their own proprietary format which is not compatible with anything else. If, however, you are planning to use a different eBook reader, you'll need a free eBook Converter. This is where Hamster Free eBook Converter comes in.

HamsterSoft provides many useful utilities for converting files of different types in a way that the average user understands. This is important, since most people who own an eBook reader just want to be able to use it as it was intended to be used. They don't need to be bombarded with complications and technical jargon concerning different file formats and other issues. The makers of Hamster Free eBook Converter understand this and thus provide a solution which is user-friendly to even the most novice users. In spite of this, the free eBook converter provides support for almost every eBook reader out there, allowing you to use various presets to convert files quickly and get them compatible with your device. It supports the PDF format, the universal eBook format which every eBook reader is compatible with.

Hamster Free eBook Converter is wonderful easy to use, making it an absolute pleasure to work with. It is fast and efficient and its shiny user interface makes it particularly pleasant. To convert an eBook file, all you need to do is open up the program and drag and drop the file into it. The program will then bring you to the next step of the extremely straightforward wizard where it will ask you which device you want to use the eBook with. Presented in a list of thumbnails containing the name and logo of almost every eBook reader out there, all you need to do is click on the right one and the program will convert the file almost instantaneously. If you're not sure which device to choose from the list, just stick with the PDF format - the standard and most popular format which all eBook readers are compatible with as well.

Hamster Free eBook Converter provides the perfect opportunity to overcome any compatibility issues concerning your digital library. If you're changing over to a new eBook reader or you want to be able to read your collection on your computer as well, this is the ultimate solution for everyone. The software is available at The download is completely free and unrestricted.

Article Source : Digital Books with Hamster Free eBook Converter_106575.aspx

Author Resource :
Jack Keesle is a fond eBook user who has three different devices. He uses a free eBook converter to overcome all of the compatibility issues between them.

Keywords : ebook converter, ebook, ebooks, free ebooks, ebook reader, ereader, free ebook download, ebooks free, ebook gratis,

Category : Computers : Software

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