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Conflict Resolution

Posted On : Jul-15-2010 | seen (478) times | Article Word Count : 521 |

Conflict mainly arises in an organization whenever there is a difference in opinion between people or parties. Conflicts can be resolved by taking certain measures.
There are many reasons for conflicts in an organization. Conflicts can arise because of reasons, such as contradictory opinions, difference in cultures, competition, personal problems, or simply because of intense work pressure. Conflict in an organization is not always negative or bad. It has its benefits also and we should consider both sides of the coin. Conflicts can sometimes help employees in understanding each other’s opinions and ideas in a better manner. If handled properly, employees start respecting others point of view and are capable of taking wise decisions. Conflicts help employees in shedding their inhibitions and in expressing their ideas freely. The only thing to be kept in mind is that conflicts should be resolved within time and should be managed properly. Conflict resolution has become crucial for all organizations ranging from manufacturing to outsourced product development.

Conflicts can either be resolved or can be prevented. Preventing the occurrence of conflicts is somewhat difficult. For conflict resolution, it is important to first understand what the reason for conflict is. After the issue is clear it should be analyzed thoroughly and all the parties into the conflict should be given a chance to express themselves. Suggestions should not be given till the parties have finished expressing their opinions. The person resolving the conflict should keep different solutions in mind so that he can give an alternate solution whenever required. In doing this task, he should take others help and examine the possible solutions himself. Conflict resolution takes time and patience. The person resolving it should not lose his calm and try his level best to resolve the problematic issue between the parties. There is a strong possibility that the person resolving the conflicts might have to face the anger and brunt of the conflicting parties. He should not take such things personally and should move on.

The person resolving the conflict should be fair and his judgment should not be biased. Biased judgments or solutions can further aggravate the situation and cause personal differences. It is very crucial to make the conflicting parties realize that their opinion matters so that they can express themselves freely. The issue cannot be resolved until free opinion of all the members is obtained. Instead of sympathy, empathy should be used. It is very important to get into the shoes of the other person in order to understand what he is going through. The solution should be such that it is accepted by all the conflicting parties and they should be satisfied with it. This is the best form of resolution. Conflicts in organizations have to be handled very carefully because they can cause serious damages to organizations if not given proper attention.

Organizational conflicts can affect the efficiency of workers and the organization. Organizations into offshore software development sometimes use trained counselors for handling these conflicts. A conflict manager should avoid using harsh and rude statements. The issues should be resolved through discussions and persuasions. Effective conflict management ensures that conflicts are resolved within time and thus solves serious problems. Outsourced software development companies use efficient tools and strategies to resolve conflicts.

Article Source : Resolution _25558.aspx

Author Resource :
Stefan Jeff is the author of this article. He has been writing articles for Outsourced software development companies like Q3 technologies since last three years. He also has a keen interest in offshore product development technologies.

Keywords : Offshore product development, Outsourced software development companies/services, Mobile Application Development., offshore s,

Category : Computers : Software

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