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Conflict Management: How to Manage Conflict in the Workplace

Posted On : Oct-07-2011 | seen (406) times | Article Word Count : 559 |

Organizations have many employees, each one a distinct individual with likes, dislikes, a particular attitude and a personality. In this kind of a scenario, it is natural that there will be friction, personality clashes, enmity, petty discord and disagreement. If these progress enough to become serious conflicts, work is affected and the overall operational efficiency suffers as a result.
Organizations have many employees, each one a distinct individual with likes, dislikes, a particular attitude and a personality. In this kind of a scenario, it is natural that there will be friction, personality clashes, enmity, petty discord and disagreement. If these progress enough to become serious conflicts, work is affected and the overall operational efficiency suffers as a result. Intervention then becomes necessary, as you would not wish this interpersonal dispute to affect company culture and thereby harm the organization. Senior personnel can help with the resolution of such conflict using their mediation skills and advice, taking care that no one is offended or insulted and all parties are happy with the result.

How to Resolve Conflict
There are several aspects to the handling of a situation where antagonism and ego issues affect the harmony and streamlined functioning of a workplace. Sensitivity, understanding and a delicate, gentle touch are imperative. The objective is to resolve conflict, not give rise to a superficial camaraderie that has a simmering discontent underneath its surface.

Get them face to face: The two persons or two groups of people must sit together for a discussion along with the mediator. Each must be given an opportunity to explain the problem without any interference from the other party. Talking about the issue clears the air and sets the stage for the next step.
What would you like to do: Each person should then express what he/she would like the other person to do that would help to lessen the friction and bring about harmony in his or her work environment. Expressing their grievances and preferences allows for joint problem solving.
The commitment: Both parties to the conflict have to agree to make the desired changes and move ahead to make peace with the other. This commitment may include appreciation, respect, the right attitude and approach and solving any disagreement in a spirit of friendliness and mutual cooperation.
The Mediator Approach: It is crucial in conflict management that the mediator is neutral. If their animosity is allowed to escalate and reach serious proportions, they must know that the organization would take the necessary disciplinary action to bring about a final resolution and this could mean dismissal for both the parties.

Once the conflict resolution session is over, it is time to reassure everyone that management has faith in their talents and their capacity to work out their problems in the workplace.

A conflict is not just between two people, as every single person in the office who interacts with may be affected by the tension. An unresolved situation where there is discord leads to an undercurrent of hostility than can spill over at any time when there is a crisis or any petty disagreement. It is crucial therefore to mediate and end this kind of situation.

Conflict management is challenging and an area that is fraught with pitfalls, but it is essential to step in regardless of the precarious nature of the interaction. Ignoring it or letting it slide in the hope that it will resolve itself would be a dangerous precedent that would have serious repercussions in the organization. It is vital that the workplace is conducive to good work and conflict management is one of the ways to ensure this.

Article Source : Management: How to Manage Conflict in the Workplace_89231.aspx

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The Stitt Feld Handy Group offers comprehensive ADR dispute resolution services, conflict resolution and management services for business people, consultants, professional associations and community organizations.

Keywords : Conflict And Dispute Resolution, Conflict Resolution Courses, Conflict Resolution Programs,

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