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Confidence is Sexy

Posted On : Aug-30-2011 | seen (558) times | Article Word Count : 494 |

There are certain things that make women irresistible to men. It could be the small things like, the way they wear their hair, how they laugh, maybe it’s their scent or perfume? It could be more to do with personality.

There are certain things that make women irresistible to men. It could be the small things like, the way they wear their hair, how they laugh, maybe it’s their scent or perfume? It could be more to do with personality. Or even as superficial as the way a woman looks. These are all key components that go into the concluding reason of why men might find a woman attractive. However, there is still one thing left to consider. Confidence. Not an overzealous, arrogant kind of confidence, but one with subtly and positivity. A woman that knows how to carry herself is on average the more likely to have admirers. Think back to a social situation where you’ve been in the company of men and women. Is it the prettiest girl who has gets the most attention? Maybe, but not as much as the confident woman who is comfortable in her own body and can say it all with just a smile and a twinkle in her eye. She’s the woman who would remain comfortable and relaxed in any social situation. A woman who can arrive at a relationship whole, not looking for conformation of her beauty and worth is instantly more attractive. By not looking for constant assurance of her appearance or desirability she becomes more intriguing and interesting to the opposite sex. This also works both ways. An air of confidence is attractive for both men and women. This line can become blurred however, when confidence is superseded by arrogance.

Confidence and maturity go hand in hand. With age comes maturity and with both of these comes confidence. It could be argued that no one is instantly a confident person, there has to be something that has happened to achieve this. Mature escorts in London have a confidence which comes with age. A confidence that makes them both alluring and attractive. Having the confidence to do what you want to do makes you much more attractive to the opposite sex. Men may wish to date mature escorts as they have experience that younger women may not have. This experience can make a woman much more attractive because she also has the confidence to go with it.

But men, don’t be worried about embarking on a relationship like this. When it comes to dating confident and empowered women, you shouldn't feel threatened. Don’t feel emasculated by a confident and mature women. Step up your confidence levels. Being well matched in this way will help achieve a balanced relationship and sex life. Mature escorts find that men who are find confident women attractive are sometimes looking to be domineered by an older woman. An empowered woman is not looking to dominate her partner. The empowerment is for her and her own confidence levels. Men who date mature escorts in London love that these women are confident, experienced and have a seductive quality that makes them oh so appealing.

Article Source : is Sexy_78127.aspx

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sandyenric is a professional writer with experience contributing to editorial pages, online blogs and writing short articles. She is the author of this article on escorts mature . Find more information on london escorts here.

Keywords : mature escorts, mature London Escorts, mature escorts london, escorts mature,

Category : Business : Business

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