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Common Interview Questions And Answers

Posted On : Dec-26-2011 | seen (325) times | Article Word Count : 439 |

Learning never stops even after you graduate; a new phase of your life begins when you start looking for graduate career to start moving towards your dreams. You will have to acquire new skills while working and when you search for graduate jobs. The first thing you should learn is how to answer interview questions.
Learning never stops even after you graduate; a new phase of your life begins when you start looking for graduate career to start moving towards your dreams. You will have to acquire new skills while working and when you search for graduate jobs. The first thing you should learn is how to answer interview questions.
Question are held by company interviewers to determine good candidates for their team and you have to prepare yourself very well before going to the interview if you want to join this company. Here are some common job interviews questions and tips to answer them.
- tell us about your self
It is the single question that you will have in all interviews and yet some people are surprised by it. Prepare a statement that summarizes educational and job experiences you have. Keep it professional and rehearse it before all job interviews you have but make sure that it doesn’t sound memorized.

- Why do you want to work for this company?
Provide honest answers and relate it to your graduate career goals. If you have a past work experience, never say that you want to join the company due to any negative reasons related to it.

- What do you know about the company?
This question is also very common and it is designed to assess whether you searched for their company or not. Before going to the interview, gather all information about company profile and they can be found easily online and in business magazines.

- Did you learn new skills in the last year?
All companies want to gather team members who are always learning new skills eve if they are not related to their core work, the concept of learning itself is very valuable. Mention all activities that you have done like self improvement courses and sports. If you were learning a mew skill that is related to the company, mention it first and state whether you are still learning or completed the course.

- You are a graduate, how would you overcome lack of experience?
You need to be very confident and focused when answering this question. If you have relevant experience or internships, mention them. If not, explain that you are learning very fast and lack of experience is positive in this case.

Some companies will try to ask funny questions also to see you reaction. Don’t panic and answer with a smile, it is mainly done to assure you that this interview is not tough.

Interview questions are simply another test that you have to pass successfully to start graduate career. So, prepare well.

Article Source : Interview Questions And Answers_124566.aspx

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Gradvantage is a social networking website for graduates and students, providing career information, graduate recruitment, graduate careers, interview questions, job finding tools, company reviews and details of graduate and internship programs in Australia. For more information please visit: graduate jobs

Keywords : graduate jobs, graduate, internship, graduate recruitment, graduate careers, graduate programs, company profiles, jobs forum, intervi,

Category : Business : Careers

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