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Irene C. Thompson has 98 Published Articles

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Cheap Wedding Programs

Posted On : Jul-12-2011 | seen (292) times | Article Word Count : 591 |

There are still many ways that you can save on your wedding program printing.
It seems that almost everyone dreams of having a wonderful wedding ceremony complete with the bride wearing white, the groom wearing a tuxedo, and all the works—wine, cake, jewelry, flowers, special program printing, and unique wedding souvenirs. But let’s face it—not everyone can have the fairytale wedding rites that most women dream of. It could be because of time constraint, such as the other half will have to leave immediately for work or maybe the bride is already pregnant, and so the process is rushed, including the event program printing. Or it could be the most common reason-- budget constraints. The couple could hardly afford a wedding ceremony but they would like to get married and just reserve their money for their life as a couple.

In such cases, the couple will also try to come up with a decent ceremony complete with all the elements, but everything is toned down. There is nothing extravagant here. Every element is simple and kept to a minimum. As much as possible, they would borrow the stuff or rent them for a cheap price. Or they would accept hand-me-down items so as to save in every aspect of the wedding.

But for those things that they really need to pay for, like the wedding programs, they would like to get it as cheap as possible. Instead of having those booklet type programs with colored covers, they opt for the one-page minimalist wedding program. This kind does not include the transcription of what will happen during the ceremony and the reception. It only lists down the different numbers of the program from start to finish.

These are two of the most common options that you can choose from—desktop publishing or photocopying. If you have a computer and a printer, you can just type the entries to your program in a word processor. On the top, write your names, such as “Sanchez-Marquez Nuptials”, the date, the time and the venue. The below that, arrange the program chronologically put a double space between entries. At the bottom, add the name of the officiating minister and master of ceremonies. You can then print this on special paper that is the same color as your theme. To save on paper, you can make your design fit into half of a bond paper so that if you need 40 copies of the program, you only need to print 20 pages. You just cut it in the middle. With this option, you can play with the colors of the font because most likely, your printer at home is already colored.

If you want to just photocopy your program, print it in white sheet of paper and bring it to the photocopying center. You can still use special paper with the color of your choice for it so that your program will also look nice. But if that is still too much for you, then you can use ordinary paper. The guests can just throw it away after the program is over. After all, the material will just tell them what will happen next in the rites and then the program.

There are still many ways that you can save on your wedding program printing. While it is nice to also have customized event program printing, it is just not possible for some people. So make do with what you have and just get on with the ceremony. After all, it will still be the host that will guide the program.

Article Source : Wedding Programs_66022.aspx

Author Resource :
Irene Thompson spent 5 years guiding businesses to get new customers and increase sales. To find more low-cost marketing materials that will enhance and give a professional look on your monthly programs , visit event program printing, and experience the best way to organize your project through exceptional program printing.

Keywords : program printing, event program printing,

Category : Business : Advertising

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