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Timothy Blumenthal has 11 Published Articles

52 Wigley Street,

Changing the Dual Boot Windows 7 default system

Posted On : Jan-21-2012 | seen (365) times | Article Word Count : 578 |

Having a Windows 7 boot problem on your computer could be very frustrating, considering that it hinders you from working.
Having a Windows 7 boot problem on your computer could be very frustrating, considering that it hinders you from working. Many a people want their machines to boot faster and prefer to work with a dual boot from two different providers, WINDOWS XP/VISTA as the case may be. Windows7 creates a multi-boot at installation and this is problematic to many users. Even with XP and Vista installed, XP returns "Microsoft Current version", but that issue is easily dealt with when you use the Wondershare LiveBoot which manages the multiboot. With this you can choose between XP, Vista and Seven start.

Many are faced with such problems for instance one of our customers wrote:

Good evening, My computer worked normally until yesterday, I wanted to restart and before Windows 7 launches I get a message: missing boot ... Let me be specific, I have three hard drives, the main one (500GB recent) with W7 installed, then a 160GB for storage, another 80 which until now I thought I was using just for storage but as I recently discovered it has a boot on it, and of course it is apparently bad.

My point is that I want to avoid formatting the 500-W7 and reinstall the boot all in one shot ... My idea was to ask if it is possible of course: to burn a Windows 7 boot disk, start the computer on the drive on which the boot is used and (if still possible) to install the boot or do a repair of Windows 7 to get the boot on the hard drive I want.

Can anyone tell me if it is feasible, and if yes, how? And is there no other solution than to format.

Prevention they say is better than cure, I would recommend that in the very beginning you avoid this problem by installing in the right manner as laid down below.
At the very first Windows 7 boot cd we notice the presence of Windows Boot Manger and are given a choice between: “Earlier Version of Windows” and “Windows 7”, you are clearly given the choice between the "Earlier Version of Windows" which is Windows XP and Windows.

If you want to change the default system or the time before launching the default system Click ‘Start Menu’, then ‘Control Panel’ Click "System and Security" then Click on "Advanced system settings" on the left In the "System Properties" Click the "Advanced" In the "Startup and Recovery" click "Settings" If you want to change the default system, select the system of your choice from the menu "System startup operating default system" And to change the time before Windows launches the default system, enter the time of your choice next to "Time to display list of operating systems" (default is 30 seconds) And then you validate with OK Be carefully during installation when you go to boot from the DVD, name (e.g SEVEN) the partition where you will install it to make sure it is installed.

However, there is always an easier way out, you could get the Windows 7 Boot USB/Disc from the Wondershare LiveBoot series and use it to boot your Crashed Computer. You have all the technical support you may need, though it is as simplified as possible. Who wants to have a crashed computer or deal with the hassle of manually installing software to solve boot problems without help?
Choose Wisely!

Article Source : the Dual Boot Windows 7 default system_137102.aspx

Author Resource :
Timothy Blumenthal is a computer hardware expert with special efficiency in dealing with windows 7 boot disk and windows 7 boot cd. His articles give enough information and guidance that help the average users work on their computer hardware by themselves.

Keywords : windows 7 boot disk, windows 7 boot cd ,

Category : Computers : Software

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