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Can You Trust The Post?

Posted On : Aug-28-2011 | seen (283) times | Article Word Count : 639 |

According to recent reports, around half a million letters and packages go missing every week in the post. That may sound shocking, but... No, actually, that is just pretty shocking.
According to recent reports, around half a million letters and packages go missing every week in the post. That may sound shocking, but... No, actually, that is just pretty shocking. For individuals this can be annoying, but for businesses this figure can be extremely costly. The cost is not only in terms of money and time, but also in terms of reputation as, if packages do not reach their intended recipient, those recipients may start to wonder whether that package was ever sent at all.

Whether the figures are a result of thefts or incompetence is not clear but, either way, sending anything through the post, even if you ensure the package needs to be signed for, can be a risky business. Therefore, when it comes to sending packages or even letters of any size, it is wise for businesses to consider all their options before they settle on a specific M.O.

For many, the best approach will be to use fulfillment services as not only will such companies be very dedicated to ensuring every package gets to its intended location on time and intact, but they will also be able to deal with many other areas for you, from storage through to packaging. Even direct mail fulfillment can be extremely worthwhile as, not only will it be cheaper to use direct mail fulfillment than to send such items yourself, but there will also be a lot less chance that items will go astray and money will therefore be wasted.

Many companies consider using major private delivery companies, but these will be far less focussed on customer satisfaction than a company to whom you have a dedicated working partnership. Choosing the right fulfillment services will allow you to save money, save space and save time whilst ensuring that you can feel safe in the knowledge that every item you send will be arriving on time, every time.According to recent reports, around half a million letters and packages go missing every week in the post. That may sound shocking, but... No, actually, that is just pretty shocking. For individuals this can be annoying, but for businesses this figure can be extremely costly. The cost is not only in terms of money and time, but also in terms of reputation as, if packages do not reach their intended recipient, those recipients may start to wonder whether that package was ever sent at all.

Whether the figures are a result of thefts or incompetence is not clear but, either way, sending anything through the post, even if you ensure the package needs to be signed for, can be a risky business. Therefore, when it comes to sending packages or even letters of any size, it is wise for businesses to consider all their options before they settle on a specific M.O.

For many, the best approach will be to use fulfillment services as not only will such companies be very dedicated to ensuring every package gets to its intended location on time and intact, but they will also be able to deal with many other areas for you, from storage through to packaging. Even direct mail fulfillment can be extremely worthwhile as, not only will it be cheaper to use direct mail fulfillment than to send such items yourself, but there will also be a lot less chance that items will go astray and money will therefore be wasted.

Many companies consider using major private delivery companies, but these will be far less focussed on customer satisfaction than a company to whom you have a dedicated working partnership. Choosing the right fulfillment services will allow you to save money, save space and save time whilst ensuring that you can feel safe in the knowledge that every item you send will be arriving on time, every time.

Article Source : You Trust The Post?_77403.aspx

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Keywords : Direct Mail Fulfillment, Fulfillment, Fulfillment Services, Fulfilment, Fulfilment Services, Order Fulfillment, Warehousing,

Category : Business : Business

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