Can Pre Employment Medicals Save Australian Companies Money?
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To be effective, pre-employment medical examination should be specifically tailored to individual organisations and job tasks. They focus on those requirements that are directly relevant to the applicant's ability to perform the essential or core requirements of the position.
It is no secret that health care costs are increasing year after year. For most companies, pre employment medicals as well as pre employment assessments are a way of decreasing those costs. But where can companies find reliable and affordable solutions when they need employment medical assessments? The answer is Medibank Health Solutions.
For more than 35 years, Medibank Health Solutions has been offering innovative and cost-effective health care services to both business entities and government. They have worked with over 4,000 businesses and various Australian government agencies in their quest to control their medical expenses through pre employment medicals and pre employment testing.
Their goal is to help people maintain their health so they can enjoy life more fully. The company has a team of more than 1.500 medical and health professionals. These highly skilled professionals provide over 3 million interactions a year on medical issues. Their services can be accessed in Australia and New Zealand by telephone as well as online. They also have a network of clinics nationwide in Australia. As such they are well suited to handle pre employment assessments.
Medibank Health Solutions offers a variety of services. These include telephone and web-based health care, travel health for business and the public, and visa medical assessments on behalf of the Department of Immigration and Citizenship.
They also deliver a wide range of health care solutions on behalf of government. These include telephone health advice that is available 24/7; in and out-bound telephone health coaching and counseling and services to support patient self-management of chronic illness. They also offer web-based preventative health and behavioural change programs.
In addition to their medical pre employment services, they also offer high-volume health assessments. These come from their wholly-owned and operated clinics in each Australian state and territory.
A major aspect of their services, including pre employment testing, is geared toward better health care for business. As businesses try to control medical costs, one of the best ways to achieve that goal is through injury prevention and health management services. Because of their employment medical experience, Medibank Health Solutions can target health problems at an early stage. They can also help educate businesses on how to reduce workplace injuries. One of their main goals is to help injured workers get back to work as soon as possible in a safe and timely manner.
Because of their expertise in pre employment medicals and other services, they are able to design tailor-made pre employment screenings and pre employment assessments that respect privacy, workplace relations and anti-discrimination legislation. Medical pre employment information is shared with employers in order to help them better assess the applicant.
In order to be truly effective, pre employment medicals must be specific to individual organisations and individual job tasks. By doing so, they focus on those specific requirements that are directly relevant to the applicant's ability to perform the requirements of the position. Medibank Health Solutions offers a variety of pre employment screening and pre employment assessment services which include:
Job and task analysis.
Pre employment medical assessment.
Pre employment functional assessment.
Psychometric testing and mental health screening.
Drug and alcohol testing.
Hearing and lung function screening.
Baseline and periodic health screening.
For those in need of pre employment testing services, Medibank Health Solutions may be the answer.
Article Source :
http://www.articleseen.com/Article_Can Pre Employment Medicals Save Australian Companies Money?_141979.aspx
Author Resource :
Medibank health solutions are experienced in designing tailored pre employment medical assessments that respect privacy, workplace relations and anti-discrimination legislation. At the same time, our pre employment assessments give employers valuable health information about an applicant to inform their recruitment decisions.
Keywords :
pre employment medicals, pre employment assessments, pre employment screening, pre employment testing, medical pre employment,
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