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Cage-Their Advantages And Six Useful Steps For Crate Training

Posted On : Oct-05-2011 | seen (276) times | Article Word Count : 648 |

It gives them peace: Your dog is no different from what we regard to need a place to rest in peace. They need to know they can go to a place where tripping over them
It gives them peace: Your dog is no different from what we regard to need a place to rest in peace. They need to know they can go to a place where tripping over them, frighten or annoy them. A cage of their own will also protect against potential hazards in the home. An example is when you take the time to cook dinner. You will notice that your dog will always be next to the stove with you. Not by chance something will fall on the stove hot and burn your dog, so if you're in the cage for a short time while cooking, you can prevent this from happening.

I do not think that protect: Please note that the "containment" does not say the same for you and your dog. You may not realize it, but when your dog has a proper place to go, he knows he does nothing. This means things like the protection, whose purpose is the danger, or even keep you company. They do not make decisions and is a great relief for them.

It keeps your dog's mischief: This is especially true if you have a puppy, because you can not watch them 24 hours a day. An example of this is if you talk on the phone, or cooking dinner. Your puppy will be home for them and can really create a story or even put themselves in danger. He does not need to be in a very long time, but it still has some good chew toys to occupy.

6 Steps to Crate Training

Do not force the question: if you feel like it takes more time to train your dog to use the window as it should not force the issue. You must be patient, because the dog can feel the excitement. Not every dog taken immediately. Make her calm and pleasant. Praise him when he goes, and he soon learns, this is a place of their own or anyone else. Puppies are much easier to train just outside the door, because everything is new to them.

Never use it as punishment: You simply can not send your dog in his cage when being punished. It is his safe place, and he must know that there is someone yelled again spend time on it. If you are at the same time chiding her chest, she will always think he has done something bad, when you put it there.

Makes it very pleasant to make it as safe, quiet and comfortable for your dog as possible. Put favorite toys, blankets or anything else, he likes to be around him, then he will feel at home.

Remove their collar: Your collar must always be taken before they go in the box to ensure that there will never be a choking hazard.

Watching the new puppy: If you train your puppy crate, make sure that comes out of the box, at least once every hour, so they can go to do business with. They have the ability to control their bladder when they are young. You do not want an accident to their cage.

Buy a brand new box ... Never use a hand: If you use a box used, it will carry the residual odor of the dog above, who occupied it, and your dog will probably not it. You will be much more successful if you buy a new box.

Please remember never a case is supposed to be a place where your dog spends all his time. They need time to play with you, not to mention your company and love. It makes sense to put in a box all day while you're at work and over time to cook again, and while you sleep. You want them to know which is your haven of peace and tranquility.

Article Source : Advantages And Six Useful Steps For Crate Training _88945.aspx

Author Resource :
Visit to find best quality dog cage at affordable prices.

Keywords : dog crate, dog cage,

Category : Business : Business

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