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san diega,

Building Content While Implementing SEO Techniques

Posted On : Sep-28-2011 | seen (263) times | Article Word Count : 954 |

Search engines will return search results in the exact order of their perceived relevancy to the search phrase requested. The more relevant your site appears to be, to the search requested, the HIGHER your listing will appear in the results. This process involves far more than simply repeating a key phrase several times.
Search engines will return search results in the exact order of their

perceived relevancy to the search phrase requested. The more relevant your

site appears to be, to the search requested, the HIGHER your listing will

appear in the results. This process involves far more than simply repeating a

key phrase several times.

There is not much difference between SEO content and optimized content. As you

may already know, SEO means search engine optimization. If your web page is

search-engine-optimized, it means the search engines are going to love it and

are going to give it a higher ranking compared to non-optimized pages.

When you search engine optimize a website, you not only write optimized —

keywords-centric — content for that website, you also fine-tune the meta tags

and insert the missing attributes. There are many tags the search engines use

to evaluate how your website should fare. To search engine optimize a website,

that is, to SEO a website, you not only have to be a good writer — actually, a

bit better than just a good writer — you should also know your HTML and CSS

stuff well. Unless you know the nitty-gritty of the source code, how can you

improve that source?

More experienced search engine optimizers believe that having good, relevant

content on your website ensures decent search engine optimization. I agree to

an extent because after all the search engines rank you according to the

quality of your content. Having lots of relevant content is a sure-shot way of

getting ahead of the other websites. Still, I believe a little bit of

keyword-density plays a very crucial part. Nobody is quite sure what that

density that should be, but the agreeable density should be 4% to 5%. This

means if your web page has 100 words, 4 or 5 should be your keywords.

Anyway, search engine optimization is a long process and many factors come

into play such as

* how many important websites are linking to you
* what is your ranking in other search engines and online directories
* how often you update your website
* all the links on your website are working or not
* what is the condition of your meta tags
* how relevant is the content on your web page

Is Content Really King?

* Over the years many people have contested the notion that content is

* Most critics of king content have argued that content by itself is not

* It doesn’t work the way some people want to make you believe “just

create good content and the rest will follow”.
* You need to use several SEO and marketing techniques to spread the word

about your content.
* Social media are key to get your content in front of an audience.
Content Strategy

* Excellent content doesn’t appear out of nowhere. Creativity often needs

a goal to be able to create something. In the best case you have a set of

goals for the long term you want to achieve with your content strategy. The

SEOptimise blog had a few goals when it started: branding, traffic generation,

link building, readership growth. Sounds obvious doesn’t it? Well, it isn’t, a

blog content strategy may entail other goals: lead generation, earning ad

revenue or even sales could be long term business blog goals. Currently I run

or write for four flagship blogs. Each of them has a different goal set aka

content strategy.

* Your content strategy has to be aligned with your overall business

goals. Are you trying to raise awareness and funds like most non-profits

attempt to? Do you want to increase sales like most ecommerce businesses want

to? Are you in the selling subscriptions business like many media or software

as a service/SaaS providers?
* You have to determine your niche and audience, find out where they

reside and address them accordingly. They may be on Facebook, Twitter,

StumbleUpon or in forums.
* Your customers are just part of your audience. To reach them you need to

address influencers and connectors first. These people, often social media

users, bloggers and journalists will spread the word for you. Your content

strategy must include incentives for these people to link to you and make

their friends and other online connections aware of you and your content.
* Perhaps most crucial aspect of the average content strategy is to create

a reputation as a trustworthy source of information. Trust is the real

PageRank and is increasingly reflected in search results. Google and other

search engines measure trust using different methods. You can’t fake trust the

long run, you have to earn it. You have to create trusted content.

Article Source : Content While Implementing SEO Techniques_86742.aspx

Author Resource :
seo india

Keywords : seo india, seo company india,

Category : Internet Business : SEO

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