Browse Tarot Decks and Tarot Cards
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Tarot cards are becoming increasingly popular today, as more people become interested in self-improvement and expanding their knowledge of the esoterical world.
The act of predicting the future is something that has been around for a very long time. Certain gifted people have been forecasting the future since roughly the fourteenth century. There are many ways of telling someone's fortune, whether it is by reading their palm, grazing into a crystal ball, or reading tarot cards.
Tarot cards are becoming increasingly popular today, as more people become interested in self-improvement and expanding their knowledge of the esoterical world.
Each card in a full tarot card deck has its own significance, all the way from the Major Arcana cards to the Minor Arcana cards. The suits in tarot cards are not the same as regular playing cards.
The most impressive tarot card meanings and symbols can be uncovered and investigated in the cards of the Major Arcana. They also carry the name of trumps. The magician, the fool, the hermit, the emperor, the queen, the hanged man or the devil represent the main figures in the spiritual and real realms. In the Minor Arcana, the tarot card meanings substitute the instances or the elements that refer to common daily life events, and these actually represent the ancestors of modern playing cards.
The four elements of the alchemy support the Minor Arcana suits, and they prove just as congruent as the complex figures designed in the Major Arcana. The cups are designated under the influence of the water element, the wands reflect the passion and courage of fire, the swords get represented by air and the pentacles stay firmly on the ground - tribute to the earth element. Thus, if some tarot card meanings relate to emotional affairs, as it is the case with the fire element, the air keeps the interpretation in the realm of logic thinking while the earth brings material reality closer.
In general lines, the tarot card meaning gives clues about the way one goes through their personal journey: sometimes one can even see whether one is on the right path or has strayed away. This tarot card meaning is obvious for the spreads in the Major Arcana where each card matches a certain life aspect: the fool stands for the beginning of a journey, the magician shows you the path towards wisdom, the high priestess speaks of self-balance, the empress points to pleasure, wealth and love, while the emperor represents claimed power and authority, and so on and so forth.
This helps us grasp answers to our questions and the path that we are treading.
Article Source : Tarot Decks and Tarot Cards_82788.aspx
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ANTIKE PARUSTO is a well known author and has written articles on TAROT CARD READING, tarot card meanings, TAROT CARD READERS and many other subjects.
Keywords :
tarot card meanings, tarot cards, tarot,
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Self Improvement