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Booming demand of android application development

Posted On : Sep-13-2011 | seen (242) times | Article Word Count : 507 |

This year android phones have created new revolution in Smartphone market, now people want some extra in Smartphone.
Now a days Smartphone market is flooded it is very difficult to buy perfect phone that fits your requirement, this year android phones have created new revolution in Smartphone market, now people want some extra in Smartphone, its become great experience using different application in Smartphone.
Here are some of the figures that indicate the booming demand of android phones, in this year android phones shipment reach close to 51% of the Smartphone OS market share. And 52 million new android phones have been added in to the stores user base. If the scenario will continue the same then android definitely reach top that of apple.
• In second quarter of 2011 android holds 47% of Smartphone shipments.
• Android holds 27% of total Smartphone app users that is very good in this short time.
• At the end of this year there will be lots of possible android app users will catch up with app user base of apple.
• Android market contained 256400 applications in the end of June 2011, and it is expected that the demand of android application development will increase more and more.
• From the last few months every week 3% per week number of different apps in store grows.
Above figures shows that at the end of this year android market will probably have very large user base like apple app store, for most android application developers one of the key criteria in choice of a stage is the possible reach of an apps. Before Apple was the absolute leader, with the major app store user base. But from the past few quarters android take over the Smartphone market with unbelievable device shipments, in second quarter android gained 47% of total Smartphone shipments, and its indicates extremely successful quarter, that can become a biggest device company.
Yet however Android exceeded Apple in terms of Smartphones shipped, still apple is leader due to major success of other handheld devices like iPod and ipad touch, apple has shipped over 235 million smart devices leaving android behind with 165 million growing device shipments, some of the other relevant factor, replacement cycles and potential user bases apple still wins the race. But one thing clearly shows that android becomes a good competitor of apple.
Still some people argue that android user base is not comparable to that of apple due to unbelievable success while apple has launched seven different handheld devices so far and android today is preloaded on to at least 310 special Smartphone models with potential customizations in Operating system, With different android app development still, it is quickly catching up the earlier largest Smartphone OS, in terms of prospective app stores arrive at. The tightening gap is yet clearer if we look into the share of each stage of the total Smartphone apps consumer base.
If that scenario continues then by the end this year Android will have just as many possible app users as Apple. And complete reach will no longer be a deciding factor for programmers on which stage to decide for an app.

Article Source : demand of android application development_81294.aspx

Author Resource :
Digital infoware is a Professional Mobile Apps Development, Website Designing and Internet Marketing Company. It has professional developers for Android Application Development and provides services across the globe.

Keywords : Android application development, android apps development India, mobile apps development, android application developer, andr,

Category : Computers : Software

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