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Beware of Phoenix Termite Control That Is Too Good to be True

Posted On : May-07-2012 | seen (600) times | Article Word Count : 1114 |

Not long ago, I saw a new yard sign, only one block away from my house that was advertising Phoenix termite control. This sign really bugged me. Well, not the sign as much as its message.
Not long ago, I saw a new yard sign, only one block away from my house that was advertising Phoenix termite control. This sign really bugged me. Well, not the sign as much as its message.

The sign said: “Termite Control only $299”.

My first thought was, “GOOD LUCK”. My second thought was, “Why do they do that”?

You are probably still wondering why that bothered me so much. Well, let me tell you.
1.There is absolutely NO way to tell you how much it is going to cost for termite control, without visiting your property, making an inspection, determining the severity of the problem, and creating a termite treatment plan for your specific needs.
2.It’s just like the customer that calls on the phone and asks, how much does it cost for termite control? My answer is always the same, It depends, and first of all – to whom am I speaking? I like to introduce myself, and also find out who I’m speaking with, that always seems a bit friendlier.
3.Futhermore, we are not supposed to quote termite control prices over the phone, we are supposed to make an inspection, present a pre-approved termite proposal (approved by the Office of Pest Management) with our findings, our treatment plan, the product we will be using and our prices. THAT IS THE LAW! Personally, if I were you, I wouldn’t do business with anyone who (now that you know) intentionally breaks the law! I would cross them off the list. The guy who is willing to offer the FREE inspection, come to your property, make a quality inspection, presents his termite treatment options, and most importantly delivers “Peace of Mind” to you, that is the one I would choose.
4.Beware of the LOW PRICE LEADERS. Low Prices are the Bane of our industry, in fact they tend to be bad news in every industry, except maybe Wal#@rt! Unless you ask the neighborhood bakery, oh that’s right, they went out of business. . . I always wonder what the low price leaders are not doing for you, in order to actually come up with the low prices they offer. Some guys termite prices are soooo low, I couldn’t even buy product (good product) for what they sell their jobs for. What are they skipping? Are they really doing a good job? Are they using an inferior product? The real question is HOW ARE THEY MAKING MONEY? They have to make money to stay in business, pay their employees, etc… with prices so low; they have to cut corners somewhere! Business is business, and it doesn’t matter what kind of business any of us are in, there are fixed costs and unexpected costs that pop up all the time, and there has to be money to cover those costs.
5.And think about this, we all know, Fuel will probably hit $5.00 dollars a gallon this year, how can the price of a termite job be less than it was 10 years ago?
6.I don’t know about you, but I was taught as a young boy, If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is too good to be true.
7.One more great example for you to think about, speaking of too good to be true! I will tell this story like a fairy tale, because it is so unbelievable, even though it’s true! There once was a company, here in Phoenix, who led many to believe they had the right price and the perfect long term warranty for termite control. Key word in the last sentence, “Once”, that’s right, past tense! They sold many termite jobs to unsuspecting customers, for the low low price of $599 and magically gave them all TEN year warranties! But to the chagrin of those unsuspecting souls that fell into the trap of the evil termite company, the company disappeared, leaving their distraught termite customers high and dry. No one could find this company, they were long gone, took the money and ran. These customers looked high and low to find out who would honor this mysterious TEN year warranty, but to no avail, they were gone forever, only for the customer to realize that when the taste of low price is gone, only the bitterness of poor quality and broken promises was left.
So as you can see, the moral of the story is to find a quality company, who is willing to do the job correctly, who has not over promised you the moon and who will exceeds your expectations on a job well done, and will be around when you need them.

When you buy solely on the promise of LOW PRICE, you set yourself up as just another number, with little to no value. As in the story, this company abandoned their customers, because they were of no further value to them (only a liability – they owed 10 year’s of protection), NO reputable company would even consider buying this company, with ten year termite warranties that have a value of ZERO to them.

So once again, it just proves, that overpromising to a customer that they will have a termite warranty for 5 to 10 years, when nobody can predict the future, is not a good bet. A sound piece of advice to a potential customer: buy ONE year warranties, and make sure they include an annual inspection and offer treatment for termites that return during the next year. When your account is Potential Annual revenue to a company, you establish value, when you are valuable, companies tend to do a better job – they protect their investment. When your account has value, you are protected long term, even if a company wished to sell their business or retire, they now have an asset to pass on, and you will not be left high and dry.

You should want to do business with professionals; in general, low price leaders have nothing but price to sell. Companies, who follow Better business practices, while their prices might not be the lowest, will deliver the most value, quality and “Peace of Mind”.

Invader Pest Management will be the Phoenix termite control company that “Exceeds Your Expectations” We want long term, happy customers and will work diligently to provide high quality, effective and lasting termite control, and the best annual warranty in the business for over 18 years and running.

“If Termites Return, So Will We”

Article Source : of Phoenix Termite Control That Is Too Good to be True_185175.aspx

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Article Source : Invader

Keywords : Phoenix termite control, warranties, Phoenix termite control company,

Category : Home and Family : Gardening

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