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A-8 Krishna Nagar-2 Behind VidhanSabha Lalkothi Jaipur Rajasthan.,

Benefits of Open source Web Development

Posted On : Sep-13-2011 | seen (234) times | Article Word Count : 890 |

Open sources web development programs have paved their ways in the web industry and has become an important part of web designing and development industry. And undoubtedly, web development industry has the advantage of leveraging profit because your business is exposed to the millions of audiences at one point of time.
Open sources web development programs have paved their ways in the web industry and has become an important part of web designing and development industry. And undoubtedly, web development industry has the advantage of leveraging profit because your business is exposed to the millions of audiences at one point of time. There are some obvious advantages of open source software development over the proprietary software development. In this series we have analyze and depict the advantages in logical manner.


In enterprise environment users not ever think any changes in software until the job alterations or more effective method is discovered. They need some sort of stability to hold their operations extend. Open source provides this stability as there upgrades are optional not compulsory as in case of proprietary software where commercial vendors uses pressure to often improvement the software. They often use the tactics to move in the direction of the new file format or remove the support of bug repairing in older versions. In use of open source, users are saved from isolation and victimization. Users are free to take improvement or not. No digressive methods force them to do it. In genuine world every business is changing and open source has to change to rendezvous the changing obligation of the business so it changes but gradually and in favor of business not the vendors. There are less issues of type compatibility or the file format issues in open source.


Commercial vendors often claim their quality, security, freedom from backdoors, adherence to standards and flexibility in case of future changes. But who will audit their claims? Their paid auditors? Since there is no availability of source code these claims remains mere words only. In case of open source there is complete Audit ability. Any one can conduct rigorous checking over the claims made by developers. In future there would be a standard practice to gauge the claims means complete Audit ability due to excessive use of open source. You can discover backdoor accounts, security threats, etc. with open source not in proprietary software.

It is free software means free from Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). We can say that:
• It has possibly zero purchase price
• Open source potentially no need to account for copies in use, reducing administrative overhead
• There is almost no or reduced need for regular upgrades so lower/nil upgrade fees and lower management costs
• It claims longer uptimes and reduced need for expensive systems administrators
• It has near-zero vulnerability to viruses eliminating need for virus checking, data loss and downtime
• Open source has lower vulnerability to security breaches and hack attacks reducing systems administration load
• It has ability to prolong life of older hardware while retaining performance
• Better adherence to standards permits competition in the market, reducing vendor lock-in and consequent monopoly pricing
• Availability of source code provides greater continuity and security against
o Financial collapse of vendors of key products
o Vendors choosing to withdraw support for unprofitable products
• Protection against being required to fit your IT strategy to the cash needs of your software supplier

Flexibility and Freedom

Open source software offers flexibility for business at architectural level. You can do any changes to make it suitable for your business. There is no vendor lock constraint your attempt to work with other related products. No compatibility issue arises with open source web development. You can do freely internal data exchanges with other products.

Open source offer freedom from single vendors you need not to worry if software vendors go out of business or decide to withdraw support of the particular product. You have source code in case of open source so you can mange your affairs by yourself. You can modify your software as per your need there is no need to ask the company to do it. You can allocate any developer to work on your software no body will bother it with open source development.

Support and Accountability

There are many companies which provide the support for a negligible amount in case of open source and you can hire them for that reasons. However, no body is responsible when your software fails but your can get developer at reasonable cost for that purpose. There are big legal team is present for proprietary software vendors who saves them from legal hurdles and that team never let you to sue the vendors anyway.

Since, the web world is witnessing a constant boom, and being loaded with hundreds and thousands of new websites daily. The open source software are easy to use. Yet, where time is the biggest constraint and on the other hand, everyone wants to lure the visitors and enjoy the profits of the global market that is, the Internet. Thus, with the services of an efficient and professional web development company, you can easily make a stand amongst the crowd, and gain visibility in the major search engines. This is no doubt, the most fundamental things of all and directly or indirectly contains the whole essence of setting up business in open source web development software.

Doomshell Software's is a leading Open source development company in India. Know more about Open Source development and animation and game development company in India.

Article Source : of Open source Web Development_81324.aspx

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Keywords : Open source web development, Custom Web Development , Custom Website Programming, Web Application Development E-Business & E-Com,

Category : Computers : Software

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