Behaviors for a Successful Interview - Part 1
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You are looking for a job. It is a long time since dealing with the trappings of the job search process and the uncertainty of where, when, what and how a job offer will come. This begins a review of “must do” behaviors to be mastered in the interview process.
Be your best “you.” You are looking for a job. It is a long time since dealing with the trappings of the job search process and the uncertainty of where, when, what and how a job offer will come. This begins a review of “must do” behaviors to be mastered in the interview process.
Focus on doing well the elements of a job search process that you can control, because there are many things a job candidate cannot control. The candidate has no control over whom, how and when interviews are conducted, what questions will be asked, or obviously, control over who gets the job. But there are a number of other things that a candidate does have control over from your Professional resumes to your job interview You should never lose a job offer because of something that was within your purview to make happen. Examples include:
• Be early for interviews. Anything short of a natural disaster sounds like merely an excuse for being late – and there are no excuses. Think through travel and traffic requirements and take necessary action to mitigate potential issues.
• Learn name of interviewer. Smile, look them in the eye, and be sure to greet everyone you meet with a firm handshake. Think in terms of conveying engaging and confident.
• Use good manners. Remember, this applies to everyone a candidate comes in contact with. Whether at the reception desk, in the hallway, the parking garage, your conduct should be the same as with those you interview with.
• Relax and answer each question concisely. Noticeable nervousness and/or rambling answers are a distraction. Study relaxation techniques used by public speakers to control nerves (e.g., long, deep breaths, etc.).
• Use proper English. Avoid slang, speak clearly, and focus on connecting and communicating.
• Be cooperative and enthusiastic. Go with the flow, do not pick arguments, and remember to smile appropriately and often.
• Show interest with body language. Use eye contact, sit-up straight, have good posture and display body language that is open and engaging.
• Ask questions about position and organization. Avoid questions whose answers are easily found on company Web site or published in the annual report.
• Avoid asking about pay in initial interview. Compensation and rewards are very important, but it is generally better to defer asking about compensation until latter stages of the interview process. Unless brought up by the employer, asking pay questions too early can appear to be self-centered on part of candidate.
• Thank the interviewer. Say thanks when you leave, remember the firm handshake, send a short thank you note.
Watch for articles regarding other behaviors for a successful interview, including: cleaning-up; treating everyone as a potential interviewer; keeping cool; beware of small talk; the value in the details; doing your homework; and remembering to smile.
Doing these behaviors will help you get an edge over the competition and achieve successful interview results. Best wishes for a profitable job search and winning interviews in your future.
Article Source : for a Successful Interview - Part 1_3648.aspx
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Gordon Walter is a professional resume maker / Resume writer with Reliable Resumes. Reliable Resumes is a Resume Service providing resume writing services for Professional Resumes and Executive Resumes. The original article is available at:
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resumes, resume writer, job search, job interview, resume,
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