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Ayurveda Therapies – For a healthy and beautiful body

Posted On : Jan-09-2012 | seen (1031) times | Article Word Count : 573 |

India has contributed much to the wealth of knowledge of world. Ayurveda is one such contribution of significant importance. Ayurvedic medicine is a system of traditional medicine native to India. In Sanskrit, the word “Ayus” means longevity and “Veda” means knowledge. As the word suggests ayurveda deals with comprehensive knowledge for long life.
India has contributed much to the wealth of knowledge of world. Ayurveda is one such contribution of significant importance. Ayurvedic medicine is a system of traditional medicine native to India. In Sanskrit, the word “Ayus” means longevity and “Veda” means knowledge. As the word suggests ayurveda deals with comprehensive knowledge for long life.
The earliest known literature on Indian medical practice appeared during the Vedic period that is about mid second millennium before Christ. Susrutha Samhita and Caraka Samhita are encyclopedias of medicine compiled from various sources from the mid first millennium Before Christ to five hundred Christ Era. They are among the foundational works of Ayurveda. Over the years a number of medical preparations and procedures had been developed by Ayurveda.
Ayurveda believes that five elements – Prthvi(earth), Jala (water), Agni (fire), Vayu (air) and Akasa(sky)- compose the universe including the human body. The ‘Sapthdhatus’ or the seven primary constituent elements of body are Chyle or Plasma (rasa dhatu), blood (rakta dhatu), flesh (mamsa dhatu), fat (medha dhatu), bone (asti dhatu), marrow (majja dhatu) and semen or female reproductive tissue (sukra dhatu). Ayurveda teaches that three elemental energies or humors (called in ayurveda parlance as ‘dosas’) namely Vayu vata (air and space –“wind”), Pitta (fire and water – “bile”) and kapha (water and earth – phlegm”) are to be in balance for a healthy life.
Ayurveda prescribes a set of effective cosmetics and beauty care directions. Beauty care by Kerala ayurveda suggests a holistic approach in addition to external procedures. There are a variety of herbs, flowers, leaves, oils etc. suggested for beauty care purposes. Some ayurvedic beauty care herbs are turmeric, Mailanchi, Neem, Hibiscus, Aloe Vera, Kayunni etc. Ayurveda commands that beauty care is not just about using some herbs, preparations or oils but it depends on the entire lifestyle. One must adopt healthy ayurvedic daily routines and lifestyle routines right for the season.
Body care in Ayurveda is centered on certain procedures. Most prominent of them are Body purification therapies. It is the process of purifying the whole body to attain proper balance of Dosas based on Panchakarma and Swedakarma treatment. Panchakarma is the primary purification and detoxification treatment of Ayurveda. The literal meaning of Panchakarma is “five therapies”. These five therapeutic means of eliminating toxins from body are Vamana, Virechana, Nasya, Basti and Raktamoskshana. This series of five therapies help remove deep rooted stress and illness causing toxins from the body while balancing the doshas.
Health promotion, beauty management and healing in ayurveda rely on freeing the body of toxins, restoring cellular nutrition and re-establishing the balance of doshas. Rejuvanation therapy in Ayurveda is used to accomplish deeper cleansing and re-balancing of dosas which is faster resulting in attaining natural beauty quickly.
Rejuvanation by Kerala Ayurveda can be attained through Rasyana or Rejuvenation therapy. It is a unique therapy in the science of ayurveda which keeps the body young and agile. This therapy is seen to preserve and promote health and longevity in the healthy and to cure disease in the sick.
Rasayanas replenish the vital fluids of our body, protecting us from diseases. Rasayana actually increases the essence of each dhatu, starting with rasa. Taking Rasayana increases immunity and makes a person healthy and strong. Some of the effects of this therapy are long life, increase in memory power, good health, young looks, glowing skin, modulated voice and resistance to diseases.

Article Source : Therapies – For a healthy and beautiful body_130602.aspx

Author Resource :
Anoop is an eminent writer and travel enthusiast, here giving valuable information on Beauty Care by Kerala Ayurveda, Body Care in Ayurveda, Rejuvenation By Kerala Ayurveda and Rejuvenation Therapy in Ayurveda. For more information visit our site

Keywords : Beauty Care by Kerala Ayurveda, Body Care in Ayurveda, Rejuvenation By Kerala Ayurveda, Rejuvenation Therapy in Ayurveda,

Category : Health and Fitness : Medicine

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