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Ayurveda - The rejuvenating science of life

Posted On : Nov-23-2011 | seen (579) times | Article Word Count : 558 |

Ayurveda is the science of life. It is a system of traditional medicine native to India. Mention of Ayurveda is found in Rig Veda, an ancient Indian text. The Sutrasthana of Charka Samhita, an important ayurvedic text elucidates that body, mind and soul are like tripod and world stand by their combination.
Ayurveda is the science of life. It is a system of traditional medicine native to India. Mention of Ayurveda is found in Rig Veda, an ancient Indian text. The Sutrasthana of Charka Samhita, an important ayurvedic text elucidates that body, mind and soul are like tripod and world stand by their combination.
In its broader scope, Ayurveda in India, has treated human body in its totality giving it a spiritual dimension also. It has always sought to prepare mankind for the realization of the full potential of its self through a psychosomatic integration. A comprehensive health care is prescribed by ayurveda for the ultimate self-realization.
Ayurveda in Kerala is now a well run enterprise. Numerous resorts and spas exist in Kerala imparting ayurvedic system of medicine.
The earliest literature on Indian medical practice appeared during the vedic period in India – a very ancient birth indeed. It is calculated to mid-second millennium BC. The Susrutha Samhita and Caraka Samhita are the two important and foundational works of Ayurveda. They are encyclopedias of medicine compiled from various sources. This compilation lasted for centuries roughly from mid-first millennium BC to five hundred AD. Over the following centuries, ayurvedic practitioners developed a number of medicinal preparations and surgical procedures for the treatment of various ailments.
At an early period, Ayurveda adopted the physics of “five elements”- Prthvi (earth), Jala (water), Agni (fire), Vayu (air) and Akasa (sky)- that compose the universe, including the human body. They construed that there are seven primary constituent elements to body called “Saptadhatus.” They are plasma, blood, flesh, fat bone, marrow and semen or female reproductive tissue. Ayurvedic literature deals elaborately with measures of healthful living during the entire span of life and its various phases. Ayurveda speaks about three elemental energies or humors of the body. They are “Vayu vata” (air), “pitta” (bile) and “Kapha” (Phelgm). According to ayurveda they have to exist in equal amounts. If that equilibrium is broken by one of the elements, the body becomes unhealthy. That condition is termed as “dosas”
The practice of Panchakarma is a therapeutic way of eliminating toxic elements from the body. It is the body purification therapy by Ayurveda. It is the primary purification and detoxification treatment of Ayurveda. Panchakarma literally means “five therapies”. These five therapeutic means of eliminating toxins from the body are Vamana, Virechana, Nasya, Basti and Raktamoskshana. This series of five therapies help remove deep rooted stress and illness causing toxins from the body while balancing the doshas. Vamana is a medicated emesis therapy which removes Kapha toxins collected in the body and the respiratory tract. This is given to people with high Kapha imbalance. Virechana is medicated purgation therapy which removes Pitta toxins from the body that are accumulated in the liver and gallbladder, it completely cleanses the gastro-intestinal tract. It is a safe procedure without side effects. Basti (Enema) is considered as the mother of all Panchakarma treatments since it cleanses the accumulated toxins from all the three doshas, Vata, Pitta and Kapha, through the colon. Nasya involves administration of medicated oil through the nose to cleanse accumulated Kapha toxins from the head and neck region. Raktamokshana is procedure to cleanse the blood and is advised only in very rare conditions.
Kerala Ayurveda Packages offer various Ayurveda treatments in most appropriate conditions in very economical purse.

Article Source : - The rejuvenating science of life_108380.aspx

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Anoop is an eminent writer and travel enthusiast, here giving valuable information on Ayurveda in Kerala, Ayurveda in India, Body Purification Therapy by Ayurveda and Kerala Ayurveda Packages . For more information visit our site .

Keywords : Ayurveda in Kerala, Ayurveda in India, Body Purification Therapy by Ayurveda, Kerala Ayurveda Packages,

Category : Health and Fitness : Medicine

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