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Apple's iPad to Have Spring Shopping Season

Posted On : Sep-23-2011 | seen (151) times | Article Word Count : 580 |

Gartner says that until Android can get its hardware, software and services act together, the tablet market belongs to Apple’s iPad.
Apple created the modern tablet market, and its iPad has become the undisputed king of tablet computers. The iPad promises to hold that dominance for years to come, research firm Gartner said Thursday.

Apple’s iPad will command 73.4 percent of global tablet sales in 2011 and will hold the majority of tablet sales until 2014, Gartner said.

In 2015, Apple will still be dominant over Android tablets and others, with 46 percent of the market. In that year, however, Android tablets and even some from Microsoft and Research in Motion will gain ground, Gartner said.

Gartner analyst Carolina Milanesi said Apple does so well because Apple “delivers a superior and unified user experience across its hardware, software and services.(For example video to galaxy tab mac)… Apple had the foresight to create this market and in doing that, planned for it, as far as component supplies such as memory and screen. This allowed Apple to bring the iPad out at a very competitive price and no compromise in experience among the different models that offer storage and connectivity options. ”Apple’s iPad is likely to be unchallenged in the tablet market this holiday shopping season, according to Gartner projections.

The research firm projected that global tablet sales will hit 63.6 million units in 2011, up from 17.6 million in 2010.Media tablets will hit 326.3 million units in 2015.For now, Gartner estimates that Apple’s iPad will account for 73.4 percent of global tablet sales, down from 83 percent in 2010. However, the number of units has grown substantially. Android will be No. 2 in market share with 17.3 percent of the market (11 million units) and other platforms are lagging with less than 5 percent share.

Gartner analyst Carolina Milanesi said that Apple’s integration between hardware, software- best ipad video converter and services make it tough to beat. She said:Unless competitors can respond with a similar approach, challenges to Apple’s position will be minimal.

Milanesi blasted Android tablets for high prices, a weak user interface and a lack of tablet apps. She added that Android’s Ice Cream Sandwich release may fix things, but it’s unclear. Like IDC, Gartner seems to be betting that the Android camp is vulnerable.

As for the rest of the field, Gartner said RIM’s QNX platform is promising, but it’s too early to tell whether it’ll do well. Microsoft’s Windows 8 success as a tablet will depend on compromises the company makes to be cross platform.Kick off your day with ZDNet's daily e-mail newsletter. It's the freshest tech news and opinion, served hot. Get it.

Exactly! That's the point. Nobody was talking about the crap MS was trying to push in the tablet space. Stylus? Full Windows? The point here is that the only reason anyone is talking about a Windows 8 tablet is because MS is "following" Apple's lead with touch interface, etc. Metro, like iOS is an interface designed for the hardware device. This is a basic concept that Microsoft didn't get until someone else showed them how to do it. Also, if you're going to cite past events, then it's fair to note that Apple's Newton predates all of Microsoft's efforts in this area.

I get that you don't like Apple. That's fine. There are many negative things that can be said about the company. However, lack of innovation and vision are not among that list. Suggesting that's the case only makes you look ignorant.

Article Source :'s iPad to Have Spring Shopping Season_84984.aspx

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vicky1982 is an independent computer engineer, specializing in Mac ,Apple ,Lenovo and LG. working in a wide variety of engineering, marketing and architect roles. she has won best hard working on video to galaxy tab mac and best ipad video converter.She think originality and the feeling of one's own dignity are achieved only through work and struggle.

Keywords : video to galaxy tab mac, best ipad video converter,

Category : Business : Marketing

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