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Any record or audit; where are you most of the moments?

Posted On : Nov-24-2011 | seen (466) times | Article Word Count : 1100 |

Time has no record; when was it… there was a sage who was had a deep quest within to attain perfection in his conduct. He would relentlessly strive at all moments to observe, notice to correct anything and everything that he considered as an impurity within him.
Any record or audit; where are you most of the moments?
Time has no record; when was it… there was a sage who was had a deep quest within to attain perfection in his conduct. He would relentlessly strive at all moments to observe, notice to correct anything and everything that he considered as an impurity within him. Aggressive behaviour, jealousy, hatred, lack of compassion, greed, lust etc. all these were his prominent enemies. To fight them he would keep observing the presence of his awareness each moment… but yet he would fail on the account that his awareness shall find various causes for distraction outside and therefore his indulgence in situation outside would deviate him from his core observance.
For him (the sage) the foremost objective then became to always remain conscious about the presence of his awareness at all times. It was the continual surveillance upon his awareness that brought him failure every minute. It does not go with that sage alone; it also runs with all of us the same way that 70% percent of our awareness i.e. the moments when we can consider ourselves as conscious… are given to subjects out of our control. Is it not so with most of us that the situation at hand mandates our hundred percent awareness upon subject A whereas we are always connived amidst subject B, C, D, E etc. And this practice comes into its place right from the day we gain awareness… if you ask me when was it that I started becoming lost to subjects not at hand… candidly speaking it was Class III at school that I was caught unaware by the class teacher who made me realize that while being physical present in the class I was mentally present elsewhere. Although she termed it as absent minded; whereas I do not consider it as absent minded instead I shall consider it as mind at its wander…
All that what was observed early at school generally grows and goes on till all age; barring when one is unhealthy.
Now that sage of some times was experiencing the same problem to retain his control upon his awareness at all moments and was given defiance and defeat each day… and that too at number of times. He consulted many for a remedy but could not find anyone who was competent enough to render him with a workable solution. Tired of his problem that stalled his inner growth he was once sitting at the edge of the cart of a vegetable hawker in a village. He noticed that an ordinary house lady was buying some vegetables from that hawker… after making her purchases she pulled out a corner of her body wrap and opened a knot where her money was pursed. This was nothing new to the sage since it was a general practice with ladies during those days to carry small amounts of money tied with their body wraps.
After making the payment to that vegetable hawker that lady tied her purse i.e. the knot that confined her money… and then she tied another blank knot upon her body wrap. This act was quite amusing to this sage because a blank knot containing no material was absolutely confusing. The sage could not retain his curiosity and asked that lady about the purpose of tying one another knot that was blank. The lady observing the sage replied with reverence that the blank knot was a reminder to her for accomplishing a specific act at the market. She furthered her pretext by informing the sage that now onward whenever she shall remove that body wrap the other blank knot shall continue to remind her about the purpose of its origin. She said that up till the moment the purpose of tying the knot was not accomplished the reminder shall have to stay at its place.
The sage was indelibly impressed; he immediately dived in incorporate the technique of that ordinary house lady toward his endeavours of inner growth. The need of the lady in the light of reminder was quite different to the need of that sage… the lady required a reminder while making every next payment whereas the sage required a reminder every next moment… To carry a knot in ones fist at all moments was not an appropriate solution therefore…He went on contemplating about his kind of manner that shall draw his attention every moment.
Soon he discovered a novel way of pinning down his awareness at maximum number of his moments… He coloured his right thumb nail as in Red colour and also coloured his left thumb with the blue colour. The Right thumb borne with Red colour reminded him of caution and the left thumb with Blue colour reminded him of his next move i.e. restoration of his awareness at its right place. The small tool discovered by the sage under an inspiration from a house lady made this sage become a great seer of his time and through retention of his awareness upon subjects at hand he was able to weed out the undesirable vegetation of wander ability that restricted his growth since several years.
Indeed today while living in the modern civil society it may be possible to wear fancy clothes, hats etc. but it is certainly not that easy for anyone falling into any gender to colour their thumb nails with different colours. But it is not so that modern mannerisms in accordance to modern times cannot be discovered. The creative intelligence of human today has covered a considered portion of unexplored territory within human brain. With a slight serious attention en-number of ways to remind self at every moment can be found and installed in one’s life…
What is the only important treasure before a human being that is also the raw material for any manifestation? Your awareness. And since it is not metered or charged therefore not much has been done to it by any form of life sciences. Try to take an unbiased audit of your awareness expenditure during last three hours and conclude with how much was rightfully spent… and also take a stock of the probable rightful expenditure along with its again in case you could have assigned your awareness to some meaningful purposes during last three months… conclusions shall certainly move you to your roots for some time to come.
Its also true that any vital consideration if not moulded into a practice shall soon become prone to powers of nature that erode; even the mountains. kumar.(learning under discipline)

Article Source : record or audit; where are you most of the moments? _109425.aspx

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Keywords : Learning under Discipline, Tagged Absent minded ones, audit of ones awareness, endeavour, focussed awareness, house lady, inn,

Category : Self Improvement : Self Improvement

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